Call for ALL artists... thanksgiving treat!

As a Thanksgiving treat and help to ALL artists both in this community and others, I am starting a NEW art community page and will display ALL artist business card graphics or log on my Art Community page with a link to your website.......
It's hard enough to "make it" in this world as an artist and this is just one small way I can help those who are trying to get more exposure or even those who are trying to get started.
I will be advertising this page fairly aggressively through my large number of word of mouth / business art community contacts so over time traffic to this page should pick up exponentially! Here's where it will be displayed... I'll be "styling" the page soon:
Here's the details:
SEND TO: dropmailnow @
Send me your business card graphic (max 500 x 300 72 DPI) or
Send me your graphic logo (max 300 x 200 72 DPI)
Send me your website address to link it to.
This is I repeat:
ONLY for artists, photographers, graphic artists, etc. No general business will be admitted, only artists.
I ask not much: I ask only that you spread the word to other artists and, once I have your graphic displayed, I will email you the direct link..... please place that link on your website, which will link directly to the page your graphic will be located on... bringing additional exposure to the artists on this Art Community page, which of course the whole idea.
Last: since I am wanting to keep this page "clean" and business like, I will not display links to nude / glamour / explicit or risque websites. Thank you for your cooperation. I have nothing against that type of art, it's just not the type of art I am wanting to promote at this time.
Please feel free to view my photography on the site as well and, comment on the images, or critique them if you'd like... all comments welcomed.
Have a great day today and a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!
It's hard enough to "make it" in this world as an artist and this is just one small way I can help those who are trying to get more exposure or even those who are trying to get started.
I will be advertising this page fairly aggressively through my large number of word of mouth / business art community contacts so over time traffic to this page should pick up exponentially! Here's where it will be displayed... I'll be "styling" the page soon:
Here's the details:
SEND TO: dropmailnow @
Send me your business card graphic (max 500 x 300 72 DPI) or
Send me your graphic logo (max 300 x 200 72 DPI)
Send me your website address to link it to.
This is I repeat:
ONLY for artists, photographers, graphic artists, etc. No general business will be admitted, only artists.
I ask not much: I ask only that you spread the word to other artists and, once I have your graphic displayed, I will email you the direct link..... please place that link on your website, which will link directly to the page your graphic will be located on... bringing additional exposure to the artists on this Art Community page, which of course the whole idea.
Last: since I am wanting to keep this page "clean" and business like, I will not display links to nude / glamour / explicit or risque websites. Thank you for your cooperation. I have nothing against that type of art, it's just not the type of art I am wanting to promote at this time.
Please feel free to view my photography on the site as well and, comment on the images, or critique them if you'd like... all comments welcomed.
Have a great day today and a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
I guess out of 78 people who've read this, not a single one of you were interested in furthering your own cause. That's great news...
it means every one of you are happy with the business that's coming in, that you are not in need of any further promotion. It could also mean you were thinking my offer was not much of an offer or that you are away for Thanksgiving and now too full to do anything. lol I totally understand.
My website is hardly a special place to be... I know that. I just thought it would not hurt your efforts to have an additional link back to your website from a site of relevance (an art / photography site). The traffic on my site is currently not of significance. I did however take it from (through my own SEO efforts) an Alexa ranking of about 19 million.... down to just over ONE million so far, so I'm getting there :-) and I work on this weekly.
Have a wonderful day today!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Or maybe everybody was busy with Thanksgiving travel and preparations , and after the holiday weekend would come back to look into this? Patience is a virtue!
That's why I included this:
or that you are away for Thanksgiving and now too full to do anything. lol
I seriously doubt that all 78 were away for Thanksgiving filling up on the good stuff. lol Some may not even be from a country that even celebrates Thanksgiving
Have a great day today!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
My card is old and the photo is looking well.....out dated as it was taken from a 3.5 x 5 proof and scanned by a low end when is our dead line?? or is it asaP with no actual dead line..
Thanks Duuude!!
I thought more about this and you are right... until I can figure out a way to do this without it looking like a link farm, I'm going to scratch the idea altogether....
thank you for your feedback and participation in my thread.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!