Problems with IE and viewing Thumbs on Gallery Page

I have just uploaded a couple of new pics and now in IE I cant see my thumbs here:
All I get is the text and small squares.
I have tried Firefox and all ok - but this may be cached somewhere.
I did delete a featured photo at the same time if that helps - I have reloaded the same pic and featured it again but no change to the problem.
Can you Help
All I get is the text and small squares.
I have tried Firefox and all ok - but this may be cached somewhere.
I did delete a featured photo at the same time if that helps - I have reloaded the same pic and featured it again but no change to the problem.
Can you Help
<script language="javascript">document.title="Paul Griffiths Galleries";</script>
Put a semilcolon at the end of the javascript statement.
onPhotoShow.subscribe(function(){YE.onAvailable('mainImage', delHover)});
function setPaypalForm(form) {
urlToImage = AlbumID + " - Filename: " + photoInfo[ImageID];
form.item_name.value = urlToImage;
function setPaypalForm(form) {
var urlToImage = AlbumID + " - Filename: " + photoInfo[ImageID];
form.item_name.value = urlToImage;
I don't know if any of these will address the issue, but it's worth fixing them anyway.
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<body onload="doOnLoad();" class="category category_Galleries tempClass notLoggedIn bodyColor_Black">
but you have no function doOnLoad defined. Either put that function into your JS or remove the onload="doOnLoad()" from the body tag in your customization.
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Thanks for the info John, but it looks like the problem is still there and still showing errors on my pages.
I see line 107 error and 106 etc. Do you see these from where you view my page or is info like this helpful at all?
Paul - Popular Pics
Sorry John, just seen your second entry - let me try that first
Paul - Popular Pics
John - I can't find the info on your second comment on my site.
All the info I have has been copied and pasted to my Java or CSS pages.
Can you give me a little more info on what I need to add or remove and from where?
Much appreciated
Paul - Popular Pics
Sorry, I assumed you knew where that was. Go to your site-wide customization page. Scroll down to the section that says "Body Tag" and delete everything from that field, then hit the Update button at the bottom of the page.
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No worries - done that but still not working.
The errors on page seem to have now gone though.
Paul - Popular Pics
Just for info - the 2 galleries that I was updateing at the time are in my PEOPLE galleries.
I uploaded an new pic to each of the 2 galleries.
I also deleted the featured pic on XANTHIA without un-featuring it first.
Not sure if that makes any difference.
I have sinse deleted the pics I uploaded, reloaded the pic I had featured originaly in XANTHIA and re-featured it.
So basically all is as was before I had the problems.
Paul - Popular Pics
So sorry. It seems we recently broke something there. This only happens in internet explorer. If you have your galleries set to display by categories and you have a gallery inside the category that has a featured photo, then the thumbnail on the category won't show. Same thing happens with a subcategory. It doesn't matter which gallery in the category it is. The only way to make the thumbnails show is to remove the featured photo. That's in the Tools menu under the Gallery section. Again, we're sorry about this and we'll get to fixin' it.
OK, I see a bunch of HTML problems that could be causing this. I will list what I find. Hopefully you can follow my description here and make the corrections and I can look at how IE is interpreting the page after these changes:
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OK, I see that Smugmug is taking ownership for the missing thumbnails. These are all still good things to fix if you want your page to display consistently in different browsers and want to avoid future errors when you change something else innocently.
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Can you let us know when this is fixed as some of the photos now showing in my Galleries are not suitable to represent the Gallery correctly as I use THUMBS and not ORIGINAL (wrong shape and size now).
Plus all my Friends and Family are now showing the Locked Thumb which is not good as I use the Feature option to remove this.
Just glad it is looking a little better now I have my thumbs back, but this needs to be fixed ASAP so we can get back to as was.
Thanks for your help - much appreciated.
Paul - Popular Pics
I'll try to keep an eye out for this fix. But, I don't know if it is going to be a quick fix or if it will take a while. So, that's a definite maybe.
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John - thanks for pointing out the issues with my html.
I have made an attempt at some of your requests and I am keen to get my site as 'clean' as I can.
I am struggling with some of the info you have provided.
As I said before, I have simply copied (done a bit of edditing) and pasted most of this from SM's customisation pages.
I have done No. 1 - please check
No. 2 I have looked at but not sure where to place the </p> to close - help...
No. 3 I have removed the '&' sign and replaced with 'and'
No. 4 I have tried to removed the <p> tags and replaced with the <span style-""> tags but all the text then is no longer centred - little help required here.
This info and help is very much appreciated <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Paul - Popular Pics
I've asked - thanks and sorry for the hassle, Greg.
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
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Hi, can anyone confirm that this is now fixed?
It seems to be but would be good to get confirmation from SM
Paul - Popular Pics
We had done a lot of site optimizations this week for performance and this bug slipped past our testers.
It does seem to be working ok on my site and has been most of the day.
Just need confirmation when Smug are happy that this is fixed for good.
I get a little paranoid with stuff like this and have to keep checking my site... just incase.
Can we confirm yet that this is fixed?
Paul - Popular Pics
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Nice one Andy, much appreciated
Paul - Popular Pics