Gary Fong Puffer on Sony DSLR

BimmerBobBimmerBob Registered Users Posts: 33 Big grins
edited November 28, 2008 in Accessories
Hi Everyone,

Well, I didn't read the application chart on the back of the Puffer package to notice it is not compatible with the Sony/Minolta hot shoe. Does anyone know of an adapter to use a Nikon, Canon, or otherwise compatible flash on a Sony/Minolta that I could use as an adapter to attach the Puffer to my Sony A700? If nothing exists, I'll pick up an extra hot shoe cover and try epoxy, Gorilla glue, or something to try to permanently attach the Puffer frame.

Thanks for the help.

Bob DeLellis
Sony A700, Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 G, Sigma 18-50mm F2.8, Minolta 50mm f/1.7
Bimmer Performance Store Gallery


  • sherijohnsonsherijohnson Registered Users Posts: 310 Major grins
    edited November 28, 2008
    I guess I didn't even try to put the puffer on my sony yet.... but it fits on my Canon. I think the puffer is okay in a pinch, but at the same time I think it can also mess with your sensors if it is blocking them, which on many cameras, I think it does. I much more prefer the flash units for these cameras and then use a diffuser, the Sto-Fen fits perfectly on the Sony flash units.
    Sheri Johnson
    Atlanta, GA USA
    my smugmug
    Atlanta Modern Wedding Photographer
  • Candid ArtsCandid Arts Registered Users Posts: 1,685 Major grins
    edited November 28, 2008
    That's the coolest thing about Sony, you can only use Sony products on them. One of many reasons why I hate Sony (everything, not just cameras).

    I don't know of any adapters. Return the Garry Fong Puffer and get a Sony specific one? Or...Sell the Sony and get a Canon or Nikon... :-P
  • BimmerBobBimmerBob Registered Users Posts: 33 Big grins
    edited November 28, 2008
    Flash observations
    I guess I didn't even try to put the puffer on my sony yet.... but it fits on my Canon. I think the puffer is okay in a pinch, but at the same time I think it can also mess with your sensors if it is blocking them, which on many cameras, I think it does. I much more prefer the flash units for these cameras and then use a diffuser, the Sto-Fen fits perfectly on the Sony flash units.

    I agree re. the flash unit being better. I just got the newest Sony flash, the HVL-F58AM and the Gary Fong universal Lightshere, and my flash photos are coming out much better than with the popup flash. I managed to be able to attached the Puffer with a rubber band. My observation is the Puffer is generally better than just the popup flash alone, but not nearly as good as the flash unit with the Lightshere. Bouncing the flash seemed to work better than the popup/Puffer combo, but I guess it's tough to compare direct diffused light to undiffused, indirect light. I'm a basic amateur, so take my observations as such

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I checked the Sto-Fen and it doesn't show it being compatible with Sony/Minolta either.

    Bob DeLellis
    Sony A700, Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 G, Sigma 18-50mm F2.8, Minolta 50mm f/1.7
    Bimmer Performance Store Gallery
  • BimmerBobBimmerBob Registered Users Posts: 33 Big grins
    edited November 28, 2008
    Thanks for your help
    That's the coolest thing about Sony, you can only use Sony products on them. One of many reasons why I hate Sony (everything, not just cameras).

    I don't know of any adapters. Return the Garry Fong Puffer and get a Sony specific one? Or...Sell the Sony and get a Canon or Nikon... :-P

    It's not uncommon to see brand haters use posts on various forums as an opportunity to vent. I see in on the BMW forums where I'm a vendor for my BMW online parts store, and it usually makes the responder feel better, but is otherwise useless.

    Gary Fong just needs to make a Sony/Minolta compatible version. More manufacturers need to get on board with Sony compatible accessories. According to a manager at one of the local Ritz Cameras and he feels Canon, Sony and Panasonic will become the three dominant camera companies in the next few years. Being that Nikon is a Sony customer, you'd think Sony would get more respect.

    Since I just bot the A700 camera body, I wouldn't even begin to consider selling it and getting a Canon or Nikon. I really like the ergonomics, control layout and quality of the images. Like most golfers that try to buy a game, I need to improve my skills (and maybe a Sony 70-200 lens iloveyou.gif ). Sony came out with the A100 in 2006 and that was their only camera. Now they have 6 (I think), including the A700 with the same sensor as the D300 (which is about $800 more) and the A900, which is now the most cost effective full-frame, 24+ MP camera on the market. Sony is the fastest growing brand in the DSLR market and those of us who like our Sony's should have a lot more options in the next year or two. I'll be patient and keep my A700.

    Bob DeLellis
    Sony A700, Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 G, Sigma 18-50mm F2.8, Minolta 50mm f/1.7
    Bimmer Performance Store Gallery
  • BimmerBobBimmerBob Registered Users Posts: 33 Big grins
    edited November 28, 2008
    Cheap Puffer Mounting Solution for Sony/Minolta
    Here is my temporary solution to use the Puffer with my Sony. That's an extremely expensive, special photography rubber band. rolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gif All I did was pull the hot shoe cover off slightly to give the rubber band somewhere to grab. The Puffer might be forward by 3mm to 6mm (1/8" to 1/4").


    Pics taken with my old Casio Exilim 7MP point-and-shoot.


    Here's one with the popup flash up.
    Bob DeLellis
    Sony A700, Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 G, Sigma 18-50mm F2.8, Minolta 50mm f/1.7
    Bimmer Performance Store Gallery
  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited November 28, 2008
    That's the coolest thing about Sony, you can only use Sony products on them. One of many reasons why I hate Sony (everything, not just cameras).

    I don't know of any adapters. Return the Garry Fong Puffer and get a Sony specific one? Or...Sell the Sony and get a Canon or Nikon... :-P

    We don't bash other folk's cameras on the DGrin forums, OK? (I do think you were joking but it comes off as bashing.)

    The Sony dSLRs use the Minolta system lens mounts and flash mounts. They are indeed incompatible with other manufacturer's systems and I do believe it is unfortunate that Sony does not provide a method for converting the Minolta hotshoe to the more standard ISO hotshoe design. In Sony's defense, the Minolta design is pretty durable, and they may have decided it was best to continue to support the Minolta community.

    Minolta used to produce an adapter, and there are some EBay Minolta/Sony to ISO flash adapters, but I haven't used either. Either would raise the height of the flash mount so I'm not sure they would work as a "Puffer" solution.

    I'm afraid that the rubber band solution may be the best short-term solution, but you might contact Gary Fong to see if they have a more permanent solution.
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
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