Nifty Fifty and Pennywise

Thanksgiving afternoon I decided to take the dogs for a walk down a nearby logging road. I took my 20D with the "nifty fifty" (50mm 1.8) just to see how it felt in the field to NOT have a zoom with me. Unfortunately, this area had been logged years before and it was nothing but clear cut, and slash piles. These are all I came home with.
This was a shot of a stone in a Faerie ring on my porch as I headed out.

This is looking straight up a lone snag in the middle of the clear cut.

This is my favorite. An old abandoned choker cable in some ferns.

And finally; I came across a deer carcass thrown in some ferns by a hunter and took a photo of it. It was not very sharp, not a good photo, but it had impact. So I adjusted the black point in PS, taking it out of the realm of realistic, yet trying to maintain the impact of what it is. I call it 'Pennywise'.

Thanks for looking. Comments and C/C about these nifty fifty shots welcome.
This was a shot of a stone in a Faerie ring on my porch as I headed out.

This is looking straight up a lone snag in the middle of the clear cut.

This is my favorite. An old abandoned choker cable in some ferns.

And finally; I came across a deer carcass thrown in some ferns by a hunter and took a photo of it. It was not very sharp, not a good photo, but it had impact. So I adjusted the black point in PS, taking it out of the realm of realistic, yet trying to maintain the impact of what it is. I call it 'Pennywise'.

Thanks for looking. Comments and C/C about these nifty fifty shots welcome.
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