Friend Can't open Smugmug

I have been sending my galleries to many friends and relatives. All of them have viewed my galleries except one person. I noticed that after his name it always shows 0 clicked and 0 read. My feeling is that he is not able to open it up on his computer but is embarrased to admit that he can't open it. Maybe due to unfamiliarity with a computer. Is it possible that his computer doesn't have the necessary software to open up SmugMug? If so what would be a good and polite way to give him the instructions on how to open SmugMug, without insulting him?
You could send him a link to the visitor help pages. You can also tell him to email the help desk if he needs more help.
You never know, it could be that your non-viewer is having a similar problem.
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Blog Portfolio
I know he is receiving the email but he never opens it up. He thanks me for the pictures but obviously he didn't look at them.
Ah, I misunderstood. I don't recall, does the Smugmug generated email state to the recipient that they should 'click on' the photo to view the rest of the photos? Guess I'll have to send myself one to see! If it does say that I'm not sure what more you can do.
Well the email does seem pretty clear:
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