#13 help with diffuse/clarity, please?

This has been a really hard challenge for me! I haven't been able to find or come up with a really fitting subject for the theme - you guys have posted so many good ones already! Only a couple days left and this is the best I've come up with. Just need your opinion on which version.


I think #1 perhaps fits the "diffused" theme better (#2 may be too subtle?). I about tore my hair out with photoshop trying to get the blur to look right, but not without some artifacts. What do you think?


I think #1 perhaps fits the "diffused" theme better (#2 may be too subtle?). I about tore my hair out with photoshop trying to get the blur to look right, but not without some artifacts. What do you think?
Nikon D300, 17-35, 24-70, 70-200, 105 Macro, Tokina 11-16, Lensbaby, iPhone!
Number 1 fits the theme well, and with a title relating to clarity or diffuse you'd have a really nice entry! Nice job on the blur!
I've really been enjoying the D-Grin challenges so far and the inspiration provided by the excellent entries and the challenges themselves. Regardless of my slim chances of winning, I'm learning a TON and growing in skill and creativity as a result, which is the greatest reward.
I'm grateful for the friendly and talented D-Grin community and look forward to growing along with everyone here, and to future challenges!
nice shots! i think you could get much stronger images and stronger on the theme too if you change your angle, composition, and DOF. get in close, get down low, or up high. i like the foreground/middle/background, but throw 2 of the 3 out of focus and really focus in on one element. make it a story somehow. make something the focus of attention. maybe a face, maybe a texture, maybe a shape, or all of the above....
these seem like initial sketches to me, and you just have to keep shooting, or thinking it through to come to something more compelling.
I’m glad you’re enjoying your time here! I think many of us can echo your sentiment about Dgrin, it really is an awesome place. Every challenge I find myself trying something new, so no matter what happens I walk away with something I didn’t have before. You did a nice job with the photo you entered!
Good luck and happy shooting!
Exactly - on all counts!