DSS13 Thoughts

Any comments would be much appreciated 
1) Here's the one I posted

2) Here's another I was thinking about...

I remember seeing a previous challenge entry that was somewhat similar to #2, so I shied away from that a bit, but would love to hear everyone's thoughts if I should switch them before it's too late.
Thanks!! :thumb

1) Here's the one I posted

2) Here's another I was thinking about...

I remember seeing a previous challenge entry that was somewhat similar to #2, so I shied away from that a bit, but would love to hear everyone's thoughts if I should switch them before it's too late.
Thanks!! :thumb
#2, however, just draws me right in. Like it a lot
Thank you all for your replies! I've only participated in one of the challenges before (trying to change that) so it's nice to know I can get some images that "qualify!"
Linda, I tried a quick conversion to black and white in ACR while I was processing both of them. #2 lost it's interest for me in B&W and while #1 definitely held promise as a B&W, it calls for a lot of fine tuning that unfortunately I just don't have time for at the moment (too many projects all at once
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