IE evilness with innerHTML
I was helping someone customize their breadCrumbTrail and I was trying to replace the first part of the breadcrumb with something different using regular expression matches and replace on the breadCrumbTrail.innerHTML. I got it to work fine on Firefox, but when I tried it on IE, it just wouldn't work.
My regular expression was this:
which was essentially trying to match everything from the start of the breadcrumb up to the first <span class="title" id="albumTitle">. The actual HTML of the page in this area is this:
div id="breadCrumbTrail"><a href="" class="nav">John Friend</a>
> <a href="" class="nav">Other</a> > <span class="title" id="albumTitle">Test Photos
So, it should have had no problem matching, but not in IE.
After more than an hour of debugging in IE, I finally found out that the innerHTML in IE doesn't look anything like the actual page source. It's some sort of reconstituted thing and instead of:
<span class="title" id="albumTitle">
IE has:
<span class=title id=albumTitle>
No quotation marks here in the innerHTML.
So, when I finally saw that that was what was causing it not to match in IE, I could change my reg expression to this:
Which has optional quotation marks in the pattern and it all started working in IE.
So, a word of warning when using reg expression matches in innerHTML in IE. It may not have quotation marks where the original HTML source did.
My regular expression was this:
which was essentially trying to match everything from the start of the breadcrumb up to the first <span class="title" id="albumTitle">. The actual HTML of the page in this area is this:
div id="breadCrumbTrail"><a href="" class="nav">John Friend</a>
> <a href="" class="nav">Other</a> > <span class="title" id="albumTitle">Test Photos
So, it should have had no problem matching, but not in IE.
After more than an hour of debugging in IE, I finally found out that the innerHTML in IE doesn't look anything like the actual page source. It's some sort of reconstituted thing and instead of:
<span class="title" id="albumTitle">
IE has:
<span class=title id=albumTitle>
No quotation marks here in the innerHTML.
So, when I finally saw that that was what was causing it not to match in IE, I could change my reg expression to this:
Which has optional quotation marks in the pattern and it all started working in IE.
So, a word of warning when using reg expression matches in innerHTML in IE. It may not have quotation marks where the original HTML source did.
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