>ENTRY THREAD DSS Round #14: Still Life (Straight Out of the Camera Challenge)

Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge #14
Welcome to Round #14 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges. This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Monday, December 1, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5) to Monday, December 15, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5).
The topic ready for your interpretation:
<o:p>Still Life</o:p> (Exclusive Straight Out of the Camera Challenge)
This thread, is the one into which you post your entry (comments posted in this thread will be deleted without notice). Remember, 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Entries must have exif embedded or appended. Click here and here for help. Photos entered without proper exif showing a clear shot date will be disqualified.
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge Rules.<o:p></o:p>
Welcome to Round #14 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges. This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Monday, December 1, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5) to Monday, December 15, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5).
The topic ready for your interpretation:
<o:p>Still Life</o:p> (Exclusive Straight Out of the Camera Challenge)
Once again, it's time to hone those base photography skills. The subject itself is pretty wide open. This does not require any special equipment - light can be studio, natural, flash, a set of desk lamps, whatever, just make sure the light fits the mood of the subject. Filters on camera may be used, any setting in camera may be used, but absolutley, positively NO post-processing. No cropping, curves, contrast, nothing (that's the straight out of the camera part!). Have fun!
Your Judges: cmurph
This thread, is the one into which you post your entry (comments posted in this thread will be deleted without notice). Remember, 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Entries must have exif embedded or appended. Click here and here for help. Photos entered without proper exif showing a clear shot date will be disqualified.
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge Rules.<o:p></o:p>
Psalm 62:5-6
This discussion has been closed.
EXIF (Raynox DCR-250 diopter lens for added zoom!)
RAW used for shot
Converted via EOS viewer utility
Only user option available is jpg quality - I used 4
Good luck to all of the contestants. You guys are all winners!
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
EXIF http://s242.photobucket.com/albums/ff27/chargerx3/HQ%20Pics/?action=view¤t=Thanksgiving08086-1.jpg&t=1228276916866
I hope this time I've got the exif correct. Good luck to everyone.
EXIF (on rh side of Picasa page)
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One comment on the EXIF: it reads 50mm and F/2.0 because the M42 lens adapter always reports that. In fact, this was taken with a Pentax Super Takumar 50mm at F/1.4. Sorry for any confusion.
Exif: http://jdouglas.smugmug.com/photos/newexif.mg?ImageID=431365016&ImageKey=ZyyTy
Exif Note: I didn't reset my camera for daylight saving time, so it's one hour off. That's why it looks like I posted here 4 minutes before the picture was taken.
click image for EXIF
Exif: http://www.orenphotography.com/photos/newexif.mg?ImageID=432962978&ImageKey=wRTCD
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I'll give it a go... The exif info is a bit off. It says f1.0 and 0mm for focal length. It's because it is an OLD 50mm prime lens that doesn't talk to the camera. Aperture was f2.8.
The EXIF dates are very strange, not sure why. I took this image in color but then later converted to B&W using the in-camera function of my D300. I then transfered the image to my PC and uploaded it to SmugMug. However, for some reason the Date Taken time is AFTER the Date Modified time.
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Exif: http://psphotos.smugmug.com/photos/newexif.mg?ImageID=432170932&ImageKey=Tpfrs