Customer can't order cards

GemGemGemGem Registered Users Posts: 355 Major grins
edited December 3, 2008 in SmugMug Support

One of my customer would like to order Christmas cards from her gallery; but doesn't get the link to order. When I check, I get the link and can create a card fine. Is this feature only for powerusers?

She is also having the following issue.

"I think maybe the problem is that I used the link you sent me and must not be able to do a card from there, so I signed up on the website (I thought I did that in the first place, but then it would not let me log in so I had to sign up again) and then realized none of the pics are in that gallery now under the new log in – unless there is a way to move all the pics over to my account (or do I just have to upload them all again?) Anyway I am not sure what I am doing wrong so I just went through and bought the pics and sizes I wanted from there and then uploaded pics to shutterfly for the card. "

Thank you!


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