Smugmug "Partner"?
Yesterday evening I put up some snapshots of a baby shower in an unlisted gallery. This morning I find myself apparently on the e-mailing list of the newsletter.
I have previously made no baby purchases, visited no baby sites, etc., and am a childless retired guy so I'm wondering how the world discovered I've attended a brief baby related event.
Is a Smugmug "partner," ever alert for any baby reference on any posted galleries? None of the photos I posted had captions, but the gallery was named "Baby Shower," and the (invisible) filenames had "babyshower" in them. Was the gallery name (or filenames) visible to the world, including
-- Mike
I have previously made no baby purchases, visited no baby sites, etc., and am a childless retired guy so I'm wondering how the world discovered I've attended a brief baby related event.
Is a Smugmug "partner," ever alert for any baby reference on any posted galleries? None of the photos I posted had captions, but the gallery was named "Baby Shower," and the (invisible) filenames had "babyshower" in them. Was the gallery name (or filenames) visible to the world, including
-- Mike
upload change the gallery to unlisted? If so your gallery was exposed to the
internet until you changed the gallery preferences.
I've complained about this before, if uploading family photos (could take
many many hours) that will be in an unlisted or passworded new gallery they
are exposed until you add the the password or check unlisted under
customize gallery. The current "add gallery" brings up the "add photos" page
with no indication that the uploaded photos are exposed to the internet.
There needs to be a big red warning to set your password/unlisted/hellos before
uploading or they are exposed to the internet crawlers/searches/feeds. Also need
a direct link to the customize page on the "add photos page". Also any other
settings like thumbs and watermark should be changed at this time. Bulk applying
a custom gallery setting does not include the password but does get the unlisted
and hellos I think.
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GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Thanks for the insight. I never fretted too much about the gallery customization defaults for the few minutes it normally takes to upload the images (at my 2mb upload speed), but I'll be more careful in the future.
Even so, I am surprised that my email address is so easily available. Oh well, given all the spam one fights every day, one more piece won't kill me.
-- Mike
These people are scum.
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Mike, if you post your site link, we might be able to give you some advice on how to change your web site so spammers are not as likely to steal your email address.
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I can't imagine how you get round that other than asking the question when the gallery is created whether or not it should be private.