DSS #13 Clarity or Diffused Feedback

Here is your Feedback Gallery, in no particular order. This gallery is your chance to give your peers thoughtful critiques on their work. Put some effort into it, describe specifics, and be respectful. Now...comment away!
Oh, and to the people who remembered to put their Dgrin name in with the title...extra brownie points (makes it SO much easier!).:clap
Oh, and to the people who remembered to put their Dgrin name in with the title...extra brownie points (makes it SO much easier!).:clap
Psalm 62:5-6
Good luck to all the entrants, a great group of entrys, the judges will be busy.
A few of my favorites in no particular order,
jrnylst - Onion Creek Soup
KWarta~Diffused Ambiance
ic4u - Luminous
picturegirl-Crystal Clear baby Blues
Divamum - Iced Foliage
I'll stop posting feedback until I get home since I am unintentionally cluttering it up and making a mess. AAACK! SO sorry! :uhoh
for instance, what i feel is of sound opinion might be taken as offence by the reader.... so maybe becoming a guest would cost me or you or whoever less votes if one was to make a voting round....
in otherwords....C&C = less votes for the c&c'er if the situation ever arisen to be voted for by someone commented to....:D
was that clarity in the finest form....? or ramblings of the village idiot...
is an older version, my actual submission is here (updated Sunday)
or directly here
I hope judges get the correct version...
Actually, this came up last round and most people seemed to feel that having a name attached to feedback gave a better sense of how/why the comments were made. Surely we're all trying to be constructive (I consider constructive feedback THE Dgrin "trademark", so wouldn't expect anything less from this great group of folks!). I know that comments don't influence my voting choices, but maybe that's just me?
And apologies again to all for my own faux pas with the gallery-wide comments thing. Ugh - I have NO idea why it happened; these college puters are weird sometimes.... Technology - great when it works and a PAIN when it doesn't! (And Emily, if the untidiness bothers you and you want to delete them, NO offence will be taken! I"ll just repost to the correct place. Your call!)
The judges have the entry thread link to go on.
Gallery cleaned up...start over.
Thank you!
Flyinggina - Mesmerized
dplumer - A view from the bridge
douglas - ice is nice
hoofclix - with room to spare
micalangelo- Morning storm clearing
Curious Camel - Hazy day
Shades of Hyperion - outside my front door
Sathya - Diffused
Jwear- flying blind
jrnylst - Onion Creek Soup
As always, some spectacular images! I really like what this round brought out in people and I think it's interesting that following the "pure photography" discussion this one seemed to have a lot more images which fall into that category. Whether the theme simply inspired it, or whether the discussion motivated folks (consciously or not) I'm not sure, but it's a really interesting round of images.
Bravi tutti!
4 TheCuriousCamel - HazyDay
Good shot, the colors are wonderful. Even thought sunsets/rises are kind of cliche the grass in the foreground sets it apart for me.
6 Divamum - Iced Foliage
I really like this image, I can't put a finger on why. There is something compelling about it that makes you want to explore. The clarity of the ice is great.
16 davev - Glowing
The sign pulls you into the image but doesn't hold you so much that you don't wander around the image. Every time I looked I found something new. The headlight trail at the bottom looks wrong to me, it looks backwards to me like first curtain flash. I know it isn't, but it seems that way.
18 Flyinggina - Mesmerized
The first thing I was drawn to was the womans face, as I looked around the image I kept being drawn back. I like your use of depth of field here. I'm not crazy about the red light but it works.
19 mtmillz - Clear as Mud
I'm not sure why I was drawn to this image. Without the title I wouldn't have gotten the connection to the theme. Love the humorous title though.
24 ic4u - Luminous
I look at this and wonder if the plant is blowing, frozen or in a vase. I sat and studied it for a little while and still can't pin it down. That huh quality is what kept drawing me back to this picture. The sharpness in this picture is very good. The only thing I might do to try and improve it would be to clone out the frond in the upper left, it feels like it's on a different plane than the rest.
31 fashiznitsgrins - In Your Dreams
I like the high key treatment in theis image, the amount of softness is perfect. The cut off elbow on the right edge bothers me though.
36 sathya - Diffused
The sharpness/clarity of the pool in this picture is amazing. With the milkyness of the water around the edge it makes me wonder how you got this with long exposures.
41 Nikolai - I can see your future
Those eyes! No matter where I look the eyes keep drawing me back. I would clone out the stay hairs on the left though they are a little distracting.
51 micalngelo - Morning Storm Clearing
I like the vanishing point of the bus and the composition in general. The sharpness is outstanding.
Thanks Alan!
I'll be sticking mine straight into the gallery.