How much would you charge?
Here is my situation: A friend of mine is an author so she asked if I would take some pictures of her at the National Press Club Booksigning. I didn't charge her to take the pictures so I didn't really make any money on the shoot - just the prints she ordered. Since I wasn't going to make any money on this shoot I decided to bring my business cards and take pictures of other authors and cross my fingers that they would come to my site and buy some pictures. Well, today I got an email from one of the authors who said she loved the picture I took of her so much that she wants to use it promotionally and on her website. I'm assuming this means she wants the copyright, correct?
So, my first question is - I don't officially have this picture copyrighted - should I do so? Secondly, how much would you charge for something like this? It is only one picture.
Any help would be appreciated!
So, my first question is - I don't officially have this picture copyrighted - should I do so? Secondly, how much would you charge for something like this? It is only one picture.
Any help would be appreciated!
Have her make you an offer. I wouldn't take less than $50. Considering that they are using the image for commerical use than you maybe able to justify more. How famous is this person? Do they have much of a budget?
1st....yes do copyright the photo...........(I have slowed way down on my uploading to get caught up on getting my stuff actually legally copyrighted)...... not sell your copyright....if you do then you can never use that photos for anything commercially yourself.....
3rd.........sell her a license to use the photo for so long and with a list of what she can and cannot use the image for........or make it an ALL RIGHTS GRANTED but for a limited time.....
You can get some really great info by GOOGLING: Dan Heller .....he has some excellent thoughts on this on his site.
Hi, Congrats on the interest in your author photos!
First of all, you should always retain the copyright to your photos
You own the copyright as soon as you create the photo.
If you want to REGISTER your copyright with the US Copyright office, (this gives you certain legal remedies if someone uses your photos without permission and you want to sue) you can get info here:
What you should do in this situation, is license the use of the photo to the author . This way she pays you for the use of the photo, and you retain your copyright.
Pricing depends on how long she gets to use the photos, how many places she will be using it, and what kind of media she will be using it in.
I would say, if you license it to her for unlimited usage, website, brochures, dust jacket, media handouts, possibly ads depending on how well known she is- you are talking way more than $50!!
You should have a discussion with her about how long she wants to use the photo ( say a year or maybe forever!) where she will be using it ( price will vary depending on whether she wants it only on her website or if she wants to be able to use it in the future for media handouts, book jackets etc).
Also, is the payment coming out of her own pocket or has her publisher budgeted money for this? Something to ask about.
If she wants to have unlimited usage I would suggest starting off with at least $500, and see where the discussion leads.
It 's much easier to negotiate your price down than to start out low and negotiate up!!
Also, draw up a simple contract stating usage and price so there are no misunderstandings down the road!
Good luck!
Grant her a license to use the picture for whatever, and for however long...forever, if it suits her needs, asking that in addition to reasonable and modest pricing that she give you credit on her site, and whenever she uses your by etc.
This way, you get paid for your that someone of mentionable celebrity actually liked, and you get the added bonus/credit of having your name associated with that writer on her website...and you get to use the picture in your portfolio giving you some street cred a pro photographer.
Photographing a celebrity...even a minor one, and being paid for it...says certain good, quality things about the being; is that if the celebrity paid you for your work, then by association, you must be pretty good.
So, unless I did this every day, had lots of this type of client...and it sounds like you don't...I would consider the above. It could lead to more business next year.
Here's another thought. Most writers don't make a living writing, just like most photographers...only the few and the fortunate are able to sustain themselves by their profession. Is this writer nationally known...making a good living doing this...or self promoting on her own many do?
Just some food for thought...
Educate yourself like you'll live forever and live like you'll die tomorrow.
This author is not well known...well, I didn't know her at least! I don't know her specific situation so asking if she or her publisher will be footing the bill is a question I really should ask.
I live in the DC metro area so prices around here are quite high. I looked at the website of a local (mostly sports) photographer and his prices were something like this: For commercial use: 1 Meg - $50, 4 Meg - $100, Full-sized - $200. That seems pretty straight forward to me.
As a newbie in this business (less than 1 month!), one thing I was considering was maybe offering it to her for $200 and then saying I would give her a free 1/2 hour photo session. Honestly, I kinda think the picture isn't all that great (lighting was horrible in the room, I was still learning some "ropes," lots of background noise, etc). This way I can (hopefully) provide her with better pictures and then ask her to also give me credit (as someone mentioned) on her website, dust covers, etc.
I guess negotiations in this situation are critical, huh?