ch38- one-ce more from the rocketman

here are a few more "ones", mostly trees
all taken this past weekend on my ride from Virginia up to the Catskills in NY. While everything here in VA is in full bloom, Mid state NY was still almost in pre-spring mode, like watching the seasons run backward on my trip up.

when two is also one

"one" in the morning

another "one" in the morning

all taken this past weekend on my ride from Virginia up to the Catskills in NY. While everything here in VA is in full bloom, Mid state NY was still almost in pre-spring mode, like watching the seasons run backward on my trip up.

when two is also one

"one" in the morning

another "one" in the morning

"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me
"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me

how would they be as horizontals, particularly 2?