Sorting Categories
Is there a method to give a date attribute to a Category in order to sort them based on creation time ?
Is there a method to give a date attribute to a Category in order to sort them based on creation time ?
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It looks like the modified date and creation date are one and the same from smugmugs point of view. I had to delete some photos from a gallery, and it bumped the gallery up the list, as it was recently changed.
If I organize galleries by position, then any newly created galleries are added to the bottom of my list, which isn't what I want.
Not a horribly big deal to me, just something that bugs the control freak side of me. An option to sort by gallery creation date would be much appreciated though.
to select sort. Might have to refresh page.
btw, I'm been having trouble with the arrange sticking. Lately I've been selecting
the new gallery or sub-cat at the bottom and using the keyboard arrow key to
move it to the top and seems to stick upon update.
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