Congratulations to the DSS Mega-Challenge #2 Winner!

A Massive congratulations to our Mega-Challenge Winner -
PaulThomasMcKee with "Kickin' Back in the Meadow of My Imagination" !!! :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

SO many awesome entries and the votes were really varied, but this was our clear winner. Paul receives the SmugMug Mega Prize package as listed in the Challenge rules...tons of goodies all thanks to SmugMug.
Here's the stats guys:
Place - Photog - Title - Points
1st - PaulThomasMcKee - Kickin' back in the meadow of my Imagination - 38
2nd (joint) - Llywellyn - Home - 32
2nd (joint) - thebigsky - Moving On - 32
3rd - richtersl - Burgess Lea in Bucks County, PA - 31
4th - Tylwydd - Plein feu sur l'univers moderne - 24
5th - cmorganphotography - Near a Canvas - 19
6th - RebeccaHelm - Under the Stars - 14
7th - jeffmeyers - A Shelter in the Time of Storm - 12
8th - pyry - In the snow! - 10
9th - HumpreyCogay - A cool Morning - 8
9th (joint) - Sherstone - Rain or Shine the Beach is Mine - 8
10th - SherwinJames - My Lazyboy-Relaxing with Wife - 7
11th - VisualXpressions - Fortress of Solitude - 6
11th (joint) - pemmett - With my family on the beach at sunset doing crazy stuff - 6
12th - bch2300 - ...out there - 5
12th (joint) - Roaddog 52 - Greeting the Morning - 5
12th (joint) Michael Atkins - Moment After The Snow
13th - jwear - Any Place - 3
13th (joint) - cmurph - In the Saddle - 3
13th (joint) - idion - In My Child's Eyes
14th - KevXman - Anywhere With Sand and Saltwater During the Off-Season - 2
15th - PyroPrints - Behind the Camera - 1
15th (joint) - achambers - Trail to Eagle - 1
PaulThomasMcKee with "Kickin' Back in the Meadow of My Imagination" !!! :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

SO many awesome entries and the votes were really varied, but this was our clear winner. Paul receives the SmugMug Mega Prize package as listed in the Challenge rules...tons of goodies all thanks to SmugMug.
Here's the stats guys:
Place - Photog - Title - Points
1st - PaulThomasMcKee - Kickin' back in the meadow of my Imagination - 38
2nd (joint) - Llywellyn - Home - 32
2nd (joint) - thebigsky - Moving On - 32
3rd - richtersl - Burgess Lea in Bucks County, PA - 31
4th - Tylwydd - Plein feu sur l'univers moderne - 24
5th - cmorganphotography - Near a Canvas - 19
6th - RebeccaHelm - Under the Stars - 14
7th - jeffmeyers - A Shelter in the Time of Storm - 12
8th - pyry - In the snow! - 10
9th - HumpreyCogay - A cool Morning - 8
9th (joint) - Sherstone - Rain or Shine the Beach is Mine - 8
10th - SherwinJames - My Lazyboy-Relaxing with Wife - 7
11th - VisualXpressions - Fortress of Solitude - 6
11th (joint) - pemmett - With my family on the beach at sunset doing crazy stuff - 6
12th - bch2300 - ...out there - 5
12th (joint) - Roaddog 52 - Greeting the Morning - 5
12th (joint) Michael Atkins - Moment After The Snow
13th - jwear - Any Place - 3
13th (joint) - cmurph - In the Saddle - 3
13th (joint) - idion - In My Child's Eyes
14th - KevXman - Anywhere With Sand and Saltwater During the Off-Season - 2
15th - PyroPrints - Behind the Camera - 1
15th (joint) - achambers - Trail to Eagle - 1
Psalm 62:5-6
Charlie The Photo Section
And nice to be rubbing shoulders with you, Charlie. Your images still floor me.
Well done, Paul!
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
a well deserved congrats, paul! super pic-
lots of great shots this round!
This is truly an incredible honor and one that I will cherish forever. Thank you to Smugmug, B&H Photo & Fotoflot for their fantastic support. A HUGE THANK YOU to Emily for all of the time and effort she puts into running this series and for putting up with all of us wacky photographer types. But the biggest and bestest thank you goes to all of you folks here in Dgrin land for your wonderful camaraderie, support and feedback…this is truly a great place to hangout, share and learn and I’m so very glad to be a part of it!
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SmugMug Support Hero Manager
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I'm LMAO at your wife's response. Hope you achieve a bit of sweet vindication from this result.
Donna P.
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
Congrats to everyone else as well. Great photos and I learned a little something about all of you.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Congratulations Paul... Very Well Deserving
Well desreved!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Ahem. Manhood check, huh? Even so, it's a very well done photograph, Paul. Congratulations to you!
Jeff Meyers
very sweet victory Paul!! now gear up for MC3!!!!
First of all, thanks to everyone for your kind comments.
Second...I called my wife to tell her the good news and it went something like this,
Me: Hi hon. Guess what. Remember that picture you saw me working on?
Her: Don't even!
Me: Yep!
Me: Oh Yeah!
Her: I can't believe it!
Me: It's true!
Her: I can't believe that I've been making fun of you for two weeks about that silly thing and it actually won!
Me: (in my head...this is so SWEET!) out-loud: yeah, can ya believe it?!
She had several other choice comments (some about my manhood) and we had a really good laugh. She wanted to know how it was made and when I told her she was a little incredulous that I had gone to the store and bought flowers then driven to a park on my lunch hour with a change of clothes (it rained hard the night before so the ground was sotched), set up my camera, sprinkled the flowers out on the grass and took pictures of myself. I'll have to admit that the whole thing is kind of embarrassing...but so worth it.
Regarding the manhood issue...and even I almost can't believe this, but I actually went into a Fabric Store on my own volition yesterday to look for a backdrop for the Still Life challenge - and enjoyed it. I did notice that I was the sole male in the place...other than a photo of Christopher Lowell advertising his products.
But isn't that what these challenges are all about? Getting out of our comfort zones and stretching to grow both as photographers - and as sentient beings?