A Peek Inside Your Favorite Place (MC2)

I thought it might be nice to hear some of the stories behind the favorite places photographed for MC #2. I hope some of you are willing to share. 
I personally struggled with this MC for about a week. I explained elsewhere that when a theme includes something concrete, like "place," instead of something conceptual, like "diffuse," my creativity gets locked inside the confines of that thing's shape. It drives me bonkers trying to creatively photograph a thing instead of an idea. :wink
I work from home, and Sketch keeps me company on the couch while I work. Whenever I'm stressed, frustrated, or tired, I'll lean over and gently lay my head against his side, whereupon he immediately starts purring. Feeling his warmth and soft fur while listening to the low rumble of his purr never fails to revitalize me and cheer me up. The first thing I do when I come home from a long trip is scoop him up and press my cheek against his fur, because he is my home in one furry, warm bundle.
Since I was so frustrated while brainstorming ideas for this challenge, I fell to my habit of leaning over and using Sketch for a fluffy, purry pillow to ease my stress. It took a week for it to occur to me that I had this habit because being with Sketch was my favorite place. (Not to slight Britta, who posed for me in the "Loud or Silent" round, but she is not a cuddle bunny and doesn't tolerate my hands-on cuddle tactics.
And there you have it. He is home for me, and he's sleeping quietly next to me even as I type. :lust

I personally struggled with this MC for about a week. I explained elsewhere that when a theme includes something concrete, like "place," instead of something conceptual, like "diffuse," my creativity gets locked inside the confines of that thing's shape. It drives me bonkers trying to creatively photograph a thing instead of an idea. :wink
I work from home, and Sketch keeps me company on the couch while I work. Whenever I'm stressed, frustrated, or tired, I'll lean over and gently lay my head against his side, whereupon he immediately starts purring. Feeling his warmth and soft fur while listening to the low rumble of his purr never fails to revitalize me and cheer me up. The first thing I do when I come home from a long trip is scoop him up and press my cheek against his fur, because he is my home in one furry, warm bundle.
Since I was so frustrated while brainstorming ideas for this challenge, I fell to my habit of leaning over and using Sketch for a fluffy, purry pillow to ease my stress. It took a week for it to occur to me that I had this habit because being with Sketch was my favorite place. (Not to slight Britta, who posed for me in the "Loud or Silent" round, but she is not a cuddle bunny and doesn't tolerate my hands-on cuddle tactics.

And there you have it. He is home for me, and he's sleeping quietly next to me even as I type. :lust
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Yours is cute Kerry
I went through quite a good gaggle of ideas for the MC. Sleepy town, with the horses, out shooting (with the camera, not the bow), under the stars... But I didn't manage to think of a way to turn any of those into a compelling image in my mind.
And then 25 cm of snow happened, suddenly outside turned from black and bleak to stunningly beautiful. The idea then was to go out, put the camera up on a tripod, jam the shutter release down and run amok in the snow - then combine everything into one picture. After that the snow promptly went away...
The first shots I made were in my backyard, everyone told me that i needed to 'get into the picture'. Luckily for you my son came home from college for Thanksgiving, you didn't have to look at me. We packed up the car and headed for the woods, it was such a hardship for him to spend some time with his father (not
The title 'Trail to Eagle' comes from the highest rank of scouting, Eagle Scout. The road is a difficult one; learning new skills, community service, leadership and more. The pack my son is wearing is the one he used along his trail to Eagle. He got it while he was still in Cub Scouts and carried it through rain, snow and dark of night (there was even some sunshine in there too) on his journey.
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
At least you put a card in your camera.:D
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
I set off to my first location, stayed there for about an hour but didn't get much that I liked so I headed off to an alternate location.
On the way to the alternate location I passed Burgess Lea and the way the sunlight was hitting the barn was spectacular. However, the road I was on (River Road - PA Route 32) is a narrow road with no shoulder so I had to drive a mile up the road before I could find a place to turn around. Time was of the essence because the sun was going down and I needed to get some shots in before it disappeared behind the cliffs along River Road.
I parked my car in a small lot reserved for hikers and walked about 50 yards or so to a good vantage point. This was tricky since there was no shoulder on the road and when a car came by, I had to step off the road and stand on a drop off until the car passed (fortunately only one car passed by me the entire time :whew ). I made my way over to a relatively level spot on which to stand and fired off some shots. I stayed there a total of about 10 minutes and by the time I walked back to my car, the sun had completely gone behind the cliffs.
How about this for a senior moment:
- Set up camera on a tripod
- Frame shot
- Check exposure settings
- Get distracted
- Wonder why your camera is taking such a long time to take the shot
- Investigate the situation only to find out you forgot to press the damn shutter
And, uh, yeah...that whole pressing the shutter thing...probably needs to be added to the checklist. I've fallen prey to it, too.
BTW, thanks for sharing the link to the action you use for that awesome, moody, vintage-y look.
After what I have been through the last few years my favorite place is more of a mental thing than a physical place. As a cancer survivor, I am happy to be, well, anywhere. I have always loved being at the beach whether it is 95F and sunny or 40F and windy. The absolute best time to be on the beach for me is when there is no one else in sight. With all of this in mind I tried to create a dreamy (ethereal?) image of the sand and surf without any other intrusions into my "space". Sure I enjoy being around family and friends as well, but I feel the calmest when I am out by myself enjoying something, anything, as if I'm the only one getting to see it. It seems more special to me that way.
Find out what it is that you like to do and do it. Don't wait around saying "Someday I going to...". You just might not get the chance.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
Early on during the challenge period I was driving down some lanes, quite enjoying the experience and had the 'lightbulb above my head' moment, ding!
I pulled over, got my camera, chose a shutter speed that would be slow enough for motion blur but fast enough for me to hand hold out the window whilst driving (OK, no lessons on road safety required, I know, I know...)
Drove off, took three shots and was pleased with the results. I continued to take my camera about with me for the rest of the period but didn't come up with anything else.
I honestly don't have a favorite physical place, except my bed as I stated in "Curious". I wasn't going to enter a photo of my bed though so I couldn't figure out what to do. Then I had an idea but couldn't find the right spot to make it look like I was imagining it.
Any how, I was inbetween portrait sessions last Saturday and I drove past an awesome looking abandoned house. Abandoned houses or buildings are my absolutly favorite places to shoot. I feel like a child at a new playground when I am shooting at an abandoned building. As I was there shooting I realized that in a sense that was my favorite place, well that one and all the other abandoned houses I have been to or will be to. So, I just picked my favorite shot from that place for my entry. Which is where I screwed up because my entry is not a place...but a thing
And, as far as what those bottles are... I have no clue! I just saw them sitting there in a shed behind the house and thought they looked so cool. I love the old portraits on them.... The top of them says "Beams Choice" I can't tell if they are syrup bottles or maybe whiskey bottles...I don't know...they just look cool.
Here is a photo of the actual place I was at (I'm not a big big fan of this photo which is why I chose not to enter it):
It was really fun seeing what all of you entered. There are some absolutly amazing photos. I like all of them.
I have read that our best images usually come from places we know the most about. I feel optimistic everytime I venture here, but have yet to come away with what I consider to be the ultimate visual statement of this place.
Good stuff.
Thank you to everyone who's shared a peek inside their favorite places. The moments are touching, sweet, humorous, adventurous, and several other emotions that constitute great storytelling. :lurk
I think the Inquierer mags were perfect for your photo...they really cracked me up...to see a man in the bathroom reading those...I just think thats too funny
Set up was one studio light with umbrella, in front, high and angled down, (hence the stupid shadow on the TP I was too lazy to do anything about) camera was in the doorway (small half bath), not much post except the vignette...
And like Paul's Wife... Mine was pretty disturbed with the shot as well... She couldn't get over the fact that I was posting my a$$ on the internet... I told her it wasn't my a$$, just a little thigh...
I really enjoy reading the back stories on your favorite places.