AlbumFetcher - Call for help

It's been a pleasure over the past two years to see AlbumFetcher become a useful little download utility for members of the SmugMug family. The users of AlbumFetcher deserve a product that will continue to evolve and keep up with the latest SmugMug features (hidden photos, SmugVault, etc). To use the catchphrase circulating at work, I no longer have the personal bandwidth to keep AlbumFetcher current.
This thread is a call for help for someone to take the AlbumFetcher reins. The code is simple Microsoft Visual C++, using MFC. If there's anyone interested in taking the project over as-is or porting it to something cross-platform, let me know.
Thanks, and thanks again to those who've had kind words and future ideas for AlbumFetcher.
This thread is a call for help for someone to take the AlbumFetcher reins. The code is simple Microsoft Visual C++, using MFC. If there's anyone interested in taking the project over as-is or porting it to something cross-platform, let me know.
Thanks, and thanks again to those who've had kind words and future ideas for AlbumFetcher.