Lightroom and slideshows w/music...
After spending hours on tutorials and spending a load of money on this program I finally produced a slideshow, with music! I was impressed. It was all cued right and everything. Then it came time to export it.
Lightroom apparently won't export the music WITH the slideshow. I was like......"what good does this do me if I can't put this on a disc"???
Everywhere I looked (in the Adobe site) says it can't be done. I find that totally misleading from what they advertise about this program.
In my searches of solutions someone suggested a Microsoft Freeware program called Photo Story 3. I've downloaded it but haven't played with it yet. Looks pretty basic though.
My question to you Smugheads out here is what have you used to do this?
I have a slideshow that's 211 (hi-res) images long and runs about 13 minutes.
I have the music set for it (on Lightroom anyway) and it's set perfect BUT I apparently can't use it.
Any suggestions??? I'm under the gun here and need to get this done by next week.
Thanks kids!! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!
Lightroom apparently won't export the music WITH the slideshow. I was like......"what good does this do me if I can't put this on a disc"???
Everywhere I looked (in the Adobe site) says it can't be done. I find that totally misleading from what they advertise about this program.
In my searches of solutions someone suggested a Microsoft Freeware program called Photo Story 3. I've downloaded it but haven't played with it yet. Looks pretty basic though.
My question to you Smugheads out here is what have you used to do this?
I have a slideshow that's 211 (hi-res) images long and runs about 13 minutes.
I have the music set for it (on Lightroom anyway) and it's set perfect BUT I apparently can't use it.
Any suggestions??? I'm under the gun here and need to get this done by next week.
Thanks kids!! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!
Bill O'Neill - Media and Fire Photography
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Toys: Nikon D3x, D300s w/MD10 grip, D300, Fuji S3Pro &S2Pro,
Nikon 18-200 VR, Nikkor 80-200 2.8, Nikon 105mm 2.8
You are right, LR won't let you do that. As I understand it, it's a licensing issue - you have no way of demonstrating that you have a license to distribute the music (you do have a license, don't you :-)).
Thinking of the shows I see, most people seem to use iDVD or a more specialist program.
I believe they have trial versions available. But keep in mind that music is an issue with every site if you are not using "royalty free" music. Legalities are expensive these days !!
I'm Canadian, eh.
I should have checked your profile before commencing this reply, but if you're on a Mac, the way to go is to export your slideshow images from LR into iPhoto, and then go make an iMovie using those iPhoto images as your content. Then, you can create your soundtrack by importing out of your iTunes library. It took me quite a while to get up the learning curve on iMovie, but I got there. I'm specifically referring to iMovie '08; maybe it can be done in iMovie '06 but I could NOT get it to work in iMovie HD.
If you're on a PC, I can't help you with particulars except to say that in my desperate search for a solution, I came across several seemingly impressive slideshow programs that I would happily have purchased just to get my thing done, but they were all PC-only. Google, or the other posts here, should guide you to one that will suit your purposes.
Good luck!
In my case, two members of my family have Elements. Kind of makes you made that the cheap consumer product has a better slideshow function than LR or Photoshop!
I have also used MS Movie Maker (which comes std. on XP and Vista). Unfortunately displaying the pictures is limited but you have more room to work with music.
I have tried with Adobe Premier Elements, but I struggled to get it how I wanted although it can be done.
Could you not making the slide show in Lightroom and then export it and use MS movie maker to add the sound track??
PS don't do this if you want to sell prints to clients, I have had customers not buy after seeing the pdf slideshow. I learned an expensive lesson there........
I really only care about the first two modules in LR, and they rock, but it's disappointing to learn about the rather extreme lameness of the slideshow module anyway.
I agree, I was commenting on the post that implied a dependency for the host machine to have LR to play back a slideshow......
Peace and happy holidays.
Photoshop Premiere Elements is the "video" version and I've just completed a mix of video and photos with background music etc.. There is a learning curve but it's very powerful.
Heck download a 30 day trial of Elements to create a slideshow with music and save to mpg as a test demo to get through this project!
Bob Randklev
Canon 50d, Canon 17-55 IS 2.8, Canon 28-235 IS 4.5-5.6, Tamrom 200-500, Lightroom, Photoshop CS4 and a bag full of other stuff!
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You have me confused:
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 for Mac, released Jan 16, 2008.
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For future reference, Elements has been available for the Mac for a long time so you apparently got some bum info from Adobe. It isn't exactly the same product as on the PC (because of competition from iPhoto) as it has the full pixel editor, but not the organizer. Mac versions typically lag the PC versions so maybe that's what somebody was confused by.
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