Please verify your login: again and again?
I keep having to verify my login over and over. It generally happens when I click on my Site-Wide Customization OR when I go to update it.
If it happens when I am trying to update, I loose the code after relogging in. I've logged in about six times today.
Can't I just always stay logged in (cookie)? :huh
If it happens when I am trying to update, I loose the code after relogging in. I've logged in about six times today.
Can't I just always stay logged in (cookie)? :huh
link switched you back to your domain. Changing your nav to relative will
prevent this.
<li><a href="">Galleries</a></li>
like this.
<li><a href="/galleries">Galleries</a></li>
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I am now anticipating this and clicking update first before adding code, logging in, and then pasting code so I don't lose my work...
Am I the only one that thinks this is inefficient? This has to plague every new user.
Can I configure my settings differently?
I can't tell if you have a custom domain. If you do, see Allen's note above. In either case, please add your site name to your signature. It is very difficult to help you without being able to see your site. Click You! above and to the right, then Edit Signature.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Hi Denise,
Yes, I'm logging into my nickname account as my domain name has not resolved yet.
What link are you logging in with? The www. one? Is so fix your bookmark/favorite without the www. and see if this helps.
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Looks like logging in with out the WWW did the trick. Many thanks Allen.
Also, thanks Denise and KY.
Hi Allen,
I removed the WWW and will see how that does.
Thank you,
Just saw KY's post about hitting his custom domain first after submitting this. Might have something to do with conflicting cookies between the nickname and custom domain...
I still seem to have the same issue even though I've removed the WWW in my URL (when logging in).
I've relogged in about 10 times this morning. I'm using the same browser session/Tab to edit my CSS. I search these forums for solutions and edit my code, scroll down and click on the submit button... about 50% of the time it makes me relog in. I'm not leaving my computer and coming back later and trying to update the page. Normal editing and updating. Tried rebooting my computer with no improvements. Using IE7. Maybe I'll try Firefox.
The only thought I haven't investigated is I now have a custom domain. I am still logging in with my though.
It's the same this morning as when I originally posted this thread.
OK, well thanks for listening... off I go to login somemore...
Otherwise the site is vulnerable to a javascript virus: once the site owner gets the virus, the virus uploads itself to the javascript customisation page (using the logged-in cookies of the site owner). Once in the javascript section, the virus could then infect anyone who visits your site. And, if they have their own smugmug account, then the virus could spread to their account (using their logged-in cookied).
I agree that it's irritating having to enter your password every time that you wish to change your CSS. However, it's a small price to pay, to avoid such as evil virus.
I can live with this work around. Thanks for pointing out the security measures.
I do log off every time I close the browser and log in after startup and/or opening browser.
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Thanks Allen,
That's what I figured, and why I posted.
If everyone was having this same issue, this forum would really light-up!