its a "who done it"?

the guest has not responded to my request in #13 feedback comments gallery.
Mod, is there a way to make it manditory to log in before comments can be made?
i really dont mind comments that dont agree with a entry, or even comments that are down right mean...(to me anyway)
i think its more of an issue that somebody is "blankyblank" about it....
hey, guest, give me your credentials? :rolleyes
in calling you out.....
Mod, is there a way to make it manditory to log in before comments can be made?
i really dont mind comments that dont agree with a entry, or even comments that are down right mean...(to me anyway)
i think its more of an issue that somebody is "blankyblank" about it....
hey, guest, give me your credentials? :rolleyes
in calling you out.....
Aaron Nelson
Logging in as a mandatory step is a good idea.
In this case, I think the guest's comments are somewhat constructive. Sometimes its easier to see what you don't like about an image than it is to imagine how it could be improved.
In general, I'd like to see more balanced comments. Some, like this guest's comments, are just about what doesn't work. But some are just the "great shot, great theme interpretation" type, and those also are not as instructive as comments that really seek to suggest ways to make an image better. Everyone likes to hear that they took a nice shot (myself included), but what I really want to hear are suggestions that make me a better photographer.
PS- I'm not "the guest"!
I just saw this post. I am the guest. I didn't know you were trying to track me down.
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i was not tracking you...i just never received a response so i then took offence to the fact it was a poke and nothing of offendable at times...
here is better advice...(from diva the new crowned champ) my advice is not worth a crap...but, here is hers kinda somewhat "the statement means something when they know who it is from..."
now dont get me wrong, i dont mind your comment at all...and there is a name now so it has value, so thanks in fact!
in my defense, that round was very hard for me to come-up with anything at all....
sorry for my potty mouth before....
No problem.
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thanks Mark, i agree, i myself try to give a pro and con when i can. i hope it helps, but likly too general so i will try and comment with more depth !!!
i will look, the first go around i didnt know if i had anything to add..
critiquing is odd for me, i feel like its just an opinion from me and not much to back it up with serious school'n and such.....
You guys resolved this issue nicely! Interesting that Dan is the guest because I find Dan's comments to be among the most thoughtful and instructive.
critiquing is odd for me, i feel like its just an opinion from me and not much to back it up with serious school'n and such.....[/quote]
I think everyone's opinion is valid! It doesn't matter if you've had schoolin' or not. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
IMO the BEST feedback/criticism/teaching is not afraid to say "that's not good" or "that doesn't work" but also includes suggestions for making it better.
As always in any artistic endeavour, when one gets beyond technical skill (more quantifiable), any comment is necessarily going to be subjective and it is entirely possible for people to disagree (one is reminded of the old saying that opinions are like belly buttons, and everybody has one!). But I think if one has a "negative" comment, including a possible suggestion for achieving whatever the commenter has in mind makes it a stronger and more productive remark, because it incorporates positive action (rather than only the "negative" response).
Just my 2c.