Well i see im last home...

Just walked in the door.
Well guys what an experience meeting you all..it was an absolute pleasure..it really was good to meet such big hearted people & others as interested in photog as i am.
I shot the hell out of SF town...tried to keep away from the tourist attractions & had a great idea of staying up reeeaallly late on my last night so i would sleep well on the plane. Sooo of i went down around market street at 10pm. Tried my hand at panning streetcars in the dark & generally shooting. Problem was walking back through market street at 2am...woohoo if i thought it was bad in daylight its 'better' at 2am
One poor bloke is still running i think..:lol3
Well i have some 13 GIG of RAW images to look at (AND TO KEEP STEVE !!!)
So this is just a huge thankyou to Andy & all at S/Mug for this extravagan..extravi...great event.
Andy i did also want to mention that on my last day...curiousity got the better of me & i went & bought one of those 'coffee milk' drinks you so love in the bottle. Now mate ..QLD (where i live) is famous for producing sugar. About 5.7 million tons/year to be exact & i now know where 5.6 million tons of it is going. I couldnt finish it...seriously.
PS...gubbsy im noticing some 'plumbers' shots of myself on the site...this is cool but mate you know i hold an ace if you post one dont you :wink
Thanks again everyone...& for the andy/steve/gubbsy & the missus for driving me around.
Well guys what an experience meeting you all..it was an absolute pleasure..it really was good to meet such big hearted people & others as interested in photog as i am.
I shot the hell out of SF town...tried to keep away from the tourist attractions & had a great idea of staying up reeeaallly late on my last night so i would sleep well on the plane. Sooo of i went down around market street at 10pm. Tried my hand at panning streetcars in the dark & generally shooting. Problem was walking back through market street at 2am...woohoo if i thought it was bad in daylight its 'better' at 2am
One poor bloke is still running i think..:lol3
Well i have some 13 GIG of RAW images to look at (AND TO KEEP STEVE !!!)
So this is just a huge thankyou to Andy & all at S/Mug for this extravagan..extravi...great event.
Andy i did also want to mention that on my last day...curiousity got the better of me & i went & bought one of those 'coffee milk' drinks you so love in the bottle. Now mate ..QLD (where i live) is famous for producing sugar. About 5.7 million tons/year to be exact & i now know where 5.6 million tons of it is going. I couldnt finish it...seriously.
PS...gubbsy im noticing some 'plumbers' shots of myself on the site...this is cool but mate you know i hold an ace if you post one dont you :wink
Thanks again everyone...& for the andy/steve/gubbsy & the missus for driving me around.
We spent little time together, but I've got to say, I don't think there was anyone who went out of their way more than you did to make sure that he spent a moment with everyone there. And you're not nearly as scary as I thought you'd be. That day-glo green shot had me wondering...
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Hey, I never got one!
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And a pleasure meeting you to mate. Every one in fact was great to meet & talk with. I was blown away that you blokes are so very open with assistance & in general just such pleasent people to spend some time with
i know. cripes i carried three lenses 3000 miles for the bloke you'd think he cudda brought a few more of these glorious candies.
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
How many did you have then, Andy? Perhaps he got enough, but didn't take into account that it really is ALL about the food for you, eh?
You cracked me up, BTW, when you were snorfing that Hostess Cupcake.
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Ps...if anyone finds thursday can they let me know cause thats a day sooner that im gonna die now
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Good to hear you're back in Oz Gus!!! I might have some 12 gigs to share with you guys when I get home :lol
Michiel de Brieder
So mick turns it on...
"mick...mick...!! it wont focus"
So mick hits the focal length switch....
This went on for 6 hours guys......
Ta mate
Michiel de Brieder
You finally made it home.....lol I thought you might have stopped over in Samoa or Fiji
It was, as you so eloquently put it somewhere, the most fun you can have with your pants on
We have to do this again
Watch out for them Yowwees....lol
....but can you add
"andy barreling along looking out both windows & you telling him that these is traffic coming & he needs to look ahead NOW ?"
Was on the way home from the airport with the trouble & strife this morning & it just felt all wrong again to be back on the other side of the road
Get that andy zzzz shot up!!
I don't "see" you using it, did you? A lot? Photos w that lens?
I so lust after that lens. I notice it is on a shopping list posted way up on the top here.
Glad you had a good time. I am having a good time reading/seeing the posts.
Wish I had gone to meet you. Are you as funny in person? :lol4
You know how interested people can be in a celebrity. What is he/she really like, plumber pose? I am not sure I want to see it, unless there is a 10-22 with it.
I looked through my 1300 odd shots last night & i have some beauties but throw away over half & that leaves me 600 odd to process in RAW so its going to be a slow process as i dont allow the computer to get between me & my time with my daughter.
Totally forget portraits etc with this lens...sure its about doing lovely wide landscapes but its equal prime use is the (in my words) 'Starship Enterprise effect'. You know the tv series Star Trek where at the start the the massive space ship is in the whole shot & then it just takes off at great speed & all the stars look like they are radiating out from it ?
What i mean is that other than landscapes...you need to give the lens a point of close reference to then allow the rest of the lens to show 'wide effect'
I could not live without it....but please remember that at 18-22 mm this lens is nothing special ..quite boring actually (my opinion) but at 10mm i start to drool looking at what it can achieve.
This photo below is what i mean about giving it a reference point to let its 10mm do its thing.
..On second thought, pour it on us!
Do you have problems w/ exposure when using that lens? The guy down the hall has a copy, and I managed to pry it off his camera and onto mine for a few minutes recently. I found I had problems like I do w/ his fish-eye lenses; I can't get everything exposed properly. If there are ANY shadows in the shot, then they come out horribly underexposed. Likewise w/ highlights in an overcast/indoor sceen. Finding the happy medium w/ a wide FOV like that has to be challanging. Do you find yourself in M a lot? Are Tv, Av, and P at all useful?!
Sweet lens. I'm sopping up drool over here..
I do notice that i get a bit of vignetting but this could be because i saturate more heavily than most as thats how i like my photos & i like vignetting in photos. I wish i could offer you more advice mate but maybe someone with more experience here could chime in.
I just started processing my shots of america today & have a loooong way to go but will promise everyone that i wont do my usual & post 5245878 photos but maybe my 20 or so best & a lot of them will be with the 10-22. Its an effect lens much like you mentioned like a fisheye.
I just wanted to give you a tip. California (especially san fran) yeah please don't confuse that with the rest of America. It is a completely different world than prolly most of america I would say. You gots lots more to see here buddy.
Thanks for the reply. I'm very glad to hear you like the lens so much. It's definitely on my wish list. I look forward to seeing some of your processed stuff!