Proof Delay - customer's crop removed by default?
Hi -
Just got an order from a detail-oriented customer who very specifically wanted to do her own cropping on her wedding pictures. Since it was not practical to upload full res pics of all, I had only med res photos in her gallery. So I thought proof delay would be the perfect solution - just upload the full res images for images ordered.
However after uploading each replacement image (thru the replace button on the page) the customers crops immediately disappeared and I had to redraw all the crops to the best of my ability. Luckily I had done a screen capture of her crops before replacing any images so I had a reference.
Is this normal to immediately lose all cropping as soon as the replacement image is uploaded? The replacement image was higher res, but exactly the same proportion - I was hoping the customer's crops would "stick".
Just got an order from a detail-oriented customer who very specifically wanted to do her own cropping on her wedding pictures. Since it was not practical to upload full res pics of all, I had only med res photos in her gallery. So I thought proof delay would be the perfect solution - just upload the full res images for images ordered.
However after uploading each replacement image (thru the replace button on the page) the customers crops immediately disappeared and I had to redraw all the crops to the best of my ability. Luckily I had done a screen capture of her crops before replacing any images so I had a reference.
Is this normal to immediately lose all cropping as soon as the replacement image is uploaded? The replacement image was higher res, but exactly the same proportion - I was hoping the customer's crops would "stick".
Sorry for the problems
Could you send the help desk the order number so we can take a look at the order page?
I'd like to chime in- this happened to me a few months ago as well. Luckily it was a rather small order and I was able to recreate my customer's cropping specifications...
I don't know if you want my order information as well since it's a few months old, but I figured I'd share my experience.
OK - I got an email from Lindy at SmugMug that explains why this is happening - I am astonished that this is not happening to event photographers all the time here.
1. Lindy explains that if the aspect ratio of the replacement image changes the cropping disappears and needs to be redone.
2. Remember that I said that the replacement images I used were higher resolution versions of the same exact image.
3. OK - here's why the aspect ratio is slightly different on the replacement images (and I don't have a good solution to it).
4. I make my smugmug galleries using Photoshop CS2 using File>Scripts>Image Processor (since it can handle verticals and horizontals in the same pass). In my case my Canon 20D original files of 3504x2336 pixels are resized by Resize to Fit checkbox W 1800px H 1800px. My goal is to make 1800 x 1200 pixel images for quicker uploading to my client viewing galleries.
5. Oops! Image Processor doesn't make 1800px x 1200px files - it makes 1800px x 1201px files !!! I don't know why it saves an extra row/column of pixels !!!
6. Hence when I upload the fullres files of 3504x2336 pixels - smugmug determines it is a different aspect ratio (it is - due to 1800x1201 being the 'original' file smugmug knows about) and instantly throws away the cropping!
7. So it is an Adobe Photoshop related priblem, not a SmugMug problem.
8. Uploading full res files for viewing galleries is not an option. I'll have tp figure out a workaround on the 1800x1201 files end of things - what a pain to remove that extra row/column of pixels - even with a batch process it will still require separating them into verticals and horizontals
Any ideas anyone ?
I like my speedy workflow - I hate adding time and hassle to get rid of that extra row/column of pixels.
Off to Adobe forums next.
Related to a Proof Delay problem that I brought up in a thread several days ago.
I need to know the degree of precision SmugMug uses to determine when a replacement file (used in the Proof Delay process) has changed in aspect ratio. This is important because if SmugMug determines the aspect ratio has changed the customer's crop is thrown away and must be reconstructed from memory or other means.
Various batch cropping tools such as Photoshop CS2 (Windows) Image Processor script [Russell Brown's] sometimes do some rounding in their calculation of cropping and hence SLIGHTLY change the aspect ratio.
Real life examples from my testing yesterday...
My goal was to use Image Processor to make 1800x1200 files so
the Resize box was checked and the size constrained to 1800px in both dimensions - test images run by Image Processor resulted in the following:
Canon 20D orig= 3504x2336 pixels => 1800x1201 pixels (Smugmug considers this a change in aspect ratio-and dumps the customer crop)
!!!!!!!!!! - Don't know you Photoshop does this but it is real - try it yourself.
Canon 30D orig= 3504x2336 pixels => 1800x1200 pixels (AOK - this is exact aspect ratio)
QUESTION for Smugmug - would you consider slightly loosening the definition of aspect ratio to allow the files that have a single extra row or column of pixels to meet the standard of "exact aspect ratio".
Have any other 20D event and wedding shooters been trapped by this Photoshop oddity? What did you do about it?
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And this resizing bug still exists in PS CS3. My version is CS2.
They recommend editing the script itself to fix the bad math rounding.