First idea about DSS#14 and rules question
I was thinking about interpretation to give to this still life theme and got several ideas : this one is a first try but I shot it in RAW... Since it's straight out of the camera challenge I was wondering whether it would be accepted to use a raw developper software (meaning it would be possible to use contrast, curves... adjustments - I did not use them to develop this shot but I guess there's no way to check it) or not. I guess I'd better shoot in jpeg mode (but there again there are a full of built-in effects depending on the camera itself like b&w, sepia...)
Ok here's my glowing beer :
Ok here's my glowing beer :

First, the photo is not showing right now for me to add a comment (make sure your gallery has enabled sharing).
As for the question about shooting RAW, others have shot RAW for past SOOC challenges. I accidentally left my camera on RAW for a few shots. I simply imported into lightroom and then used the plugin to export to smugmug. I didn't manipulate anything in the photo. If you shoot RAW, then the honor system applies as to post processing. You ARE allowed to use any and all functions of your camera's built-in processing.
As for the watermark, a small watermark in the corner is acceptable. A large one obstructing the photo is not. Also frames are a no-no. More on this in the official rules thread.
Hope that helps,
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Thanks, E!
As for the pic not showing, I just forgot to allow external linking. This should work now !
Nice shot. Only nit is I would like to see the Y in the photo. Great concept and lighting!
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
As for the beer - great idea, and the light is lovely! The only thing I'd suggest would be working on the framing/positioning so the entire word is in focus, and perhaps adjusting the angle to better position the foot of the glass, too.
Editing your photo just defeats the purpose of the challenge itself, which is to depend less on post processing and to get more familiar with your equipment. I remember reading a post by one entrant who commented on having learned to play with his camera's white balance settings.
For that previous SOOC challenge, I had a good chance to practice exposure bracketing. The end result is less work in post. And I like LESS WORK!
In point of fact thinking on from this, I think I probably managed about as much as I can realistically do when using my camera's jpg settings to adjust the image BEFORE pressing the shutter so I'm not sure I'd gain much by doing it again. And, in the process, learned about setting a WB and discovering that the xsi's in-camera sharpening (which presumably only applies to jpg shooting) is OODLES better than that in the XT and with the pixel density of the xsi absolutely superb. So it's all good!
In this particular case I think reshoot will be dangerous (since the foam doesn't last long, there can't be many shots with the same beer... and I usually don't waste anything
Ah, vissi d'arte and all that... terrible how we have to suffer for our "vision" :giggle
I tried another glass and I can assure you that no more than 2 beers were drunk after the shooting ^^
So here are the results :
and back to the first glass :
I guess that white balance can be improved though it should be right due to the measure in the same conditions... Anyway my headache prevents me to do anything more today (and it has nothing to do with the beer ^^). Maybe friday !
So what do you think of these shots ? (I'm still wondering whether it matches the theme or not...)
good luck
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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Now go sleep off that yummy beer... mmmm.... (I spent two summers as a student in Ghent, and am now reminiscing to the many long evenings of Trappist... and Duwel... and Treppel.....
As for how it was lit, well... I just put a wireless flash unit behind the glass. The sediments of the beer diffused the light and also gave these red parts. The on-camera little flash (behind my fingers
The flash was really useful... I'm afraid that coninuous lighting would not have kept the beer fresh enough to be drunk