Looking for 5d mk ii video samples

planetMitchplanetMitch Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
edited December 14, 2008 in Video
Hi y'all

I've found out that smugmug is hosting samples of HD video from the 5d mk ii and I sent an email in asking if there were a way to search smugmug for videos that have been uploaded and Andy told me there isn't anything set up for that. But he did encourage me to start a thread.

The reason i'm looking for video samples is that i've created a wiki to highlight the 5d (and of course the mk ii) and i'm searching the web for videos every day - but i could use some help!

So, if you post a video to smugmug, i'd love to hear about it in this thread! And we'll make sure it is also put in the samples section of the wiki.

Thanks for your help!

Oh, the wiki is in the signature, but here's the link
NEW! planet5d.com THE 5d Wiki! Follow me on twitter for updates
(includes mk ii info and samples - all in one central location)
planetMitch.com my home site


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