I hate that page, too, but the browsers force us to do it. I'm sorry about that - but if we go from an SSL page to a non-SSL page without an interstitial, the browsers pop up security warnings that our customers are allergic to. I'm open to alternate suggestions, but every one we've heard in the last 6 years hasn't panned out. We used to just let them browse SSL pages for a little bit and let them switch on some other click, but we got lots of complaints about speed, so we had to figure something else out.
Why not do an AJAX request through an SSL enabled method that verifies login - then redirect from there - no intermediate page...
*or* without the SSL, hash the password to MD5 on the client side, send it to the server as a hash, then compare the MD5 hash on the server side and redirect from there.
In one of the classes during my MBA program, we debated an advertising free world. In the end, it just means that we would pay more for any given item than when you have advertising.
In this case, we do pay more. But at least for me, although I clearly recognize that this is a plug for services, it doesn't bother me. When I signed on for smugmug with the expectation of "advertising free", I really only had the expectation of avoiding the ever present sidebar/banner/pop-up Pay-per-Click type advertising. The kind that is randomly targeted, sometimes related to the website visited, etc.
Just like I proudly show my support of various products through their branded logos, I don't mind the wee bit of marketing smugmug is doing in the login. It doesn't feel like a slippery slope to me ...
As always, this is just MY opinion ...
And, YES! clicking twice to get where you already indicated you wanted to go, is just lame ... HMM, maybe when we vote, they should ask us twice, just to be sure ...
I don't like the ads and extra landing page either. I agree it's a good place for announcements but this is a bit too spammy.
Speaking of the log-in page, why do we have to uncheck to stay logged-in? This is backward to every other site on the planet. I once said SM seem to go out of their way to make things complicated and this is a perfect example.
Wow.....what a bunch of winers....like Andy said...."you damed if you do, your damed if you don't. Does not bother me at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, we do love the feedback from all folks We usually release, and release often - I wouldn't be suprised to see some refinements here, based on feedback on all of this!
Speaking of the log-in page, why do we have to uncheck to stay logged-in? This is backward to every other site on the planet. I once said SM seem to go out of their way to make things complicated and this is a perfect example.
Unlike every other site on the planet, I don't have to check/uncheck *anything* to stay logged in at SmugMug. Since this is the 99% use case (people want to stay logged in), this makes a *lot* more sense than the rest of the sites on the planet.
Unlike every other site on the planet, I don't have to check/uncheck *anything* to stay logged in at SmugMug. Since this is the 99% use case (people want to stay logged in), this makes a *lot* more sense than the rest of the sites on the planet.
So we're keeping it.
I agree. It's nice that staying loggedIn is the default behavior.
Unlike every other site on the planet, I don't have to check/uncheck *anything* to stay logged in at SmugMug. Since this is the 99% use case (people want to stay logged in), this makes a *lot* more sense than the rest of the sites on the planet.
So we're keeping it.
Staying logged in has never been a problem on other sites. I check it once and stay logged in for months. In fact, I have to log in more often at SM than anywhere else. The current situation here is confusing and risky when login in on a public computer because you have to remember to check it.
I think security is more important than a 1 second inconvenience.
My pain point is when I hit a bookmark to my site customization or hit the site-wide-customization link. At that point you know exactly where I'm trying to go. You pop up the password prompt. I hit OK and then you process it. Why not just take my to my customization in https? No need for the extra page to avoid a warning.
Even the extra page you do have is horrible UI.
It looks like this:
When I hit this screen, it's offering me four options. None of them is what I want. I want the option for "Take me to where I was trying to go when this password prompt came up". You know exactly where I'm trying to go. Why ask me a confusing question that doesn't even offer an appropriate answer? Do you know how much mental work it takes to figure out what to press. That's why you would never see a prompt screen like this in normal PC software (Mac or PC). They use nicely worded buttons to offer you the choices with a default button highlighted.
Unless we have a bug, the very first link, the one that says "the page you were viewing" is the "take me to where I was trying to go when this password prompt came up" link you're asking for. I've just tried a handfull of actions that required a login, every one of them that link, which is also the link you will be auto redirected to eventually, is the link I was trying to get to. If you know of a case that DOESN'T do that, please post it in the bug thread, as it is a bug.
SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support http://wall-art.smugmug.com/
Unless we have a bug, the very first link, the one that says "the page you were viewing" is the "take me to where I was trying to go when this password prompt came up" link you're asking for.
You're right, the first link takes you back to where you were when you requested the login. What we are all requesting is that you take us directly to that page.
For example, I'm trying to enter my site-wide customization. You request a password. That's fine. After I enter that password, please take me to the screen I was requesting when the password screen first came up. Why do you need to ask me where I want to go? I already told you that by clicking on site-wide customization.
The "advertising" so far doesn't bother me. I would be VERY concerned if this started showing up on my pages when others are viewing my photos. That would be a No-No.
As for the Log-in page, I agree with the majority here..it is a PAIN...and I don't log in everyday.
I do appreciate the Who's Who of Smugmug responding here and other places and actually hearing us out. That is very RARE indeed in this world. So Thank You.
From Nikon D70s > Nikon D300s & D700
Nikon 50/1.8, Tamron 28-75/2.8 1st gen, Nikkor 12-24/4, Nikkor 70-200/2.8 ED VR, SB600, SB900, SB-26 and Gitzo 2 Series Carbon Fiber with Kirk Ballhead
The "advertising" so far doesn't bother me. I would be VERY concerned if this started showing up on my pages when others are viewing my photos. That would be a No-No.
At least add a few breaks so the ads/news are not squezzed up against the links.
Too much too close together.
btw, I have NEVER gone to another page other then the one I was on. I've
requested in the past that a second link be added for the control panel or
customize page. Can not think of one reason why the "or return to
homepage" is needed, rather have go to control panel. Even better would be
the "go to control panel" would open in another tab.
I just ordered a box of 50 cards from SM,
My wife was on her way to ordering them somewhere else when I remembered the "ad"
at it's current state it does not bother me but I could see it getting out of hand.
You're right, the first link takes you back to where you were when you requested the login. What we are all requesting is that you take us directly to that page.
For example, I'm trying to enter my site-wide customization. You request a password. That's fine. After I enter that password, please take me to the screen I was requesting when the password screen first came up. Why do you need to ask me where I want to go? I already told you that by clicking on site-wide customization.
--- Denise
Ok, now you've confused me.
I'm sitting in my control panel, on the setting tab.
I click the site wide customizations link.
The site wide customizations page starts loading (note the url bar changes)
I get redirected immediately to a login page. (the one with the new features pimpage everyone is up in arms about here)
I log in.
now I'm looking at the stupid interstictial page that Don says browsers require us to have... it has 4 links, the very first of them is "the page you were viewing"... this same link is set as the auto refresh url.
I click that first link.
I'm on the site wide customization page.
Have folks perhaps not tried that link and are just assuming that when it says "the page you were viewing" it means the previous page (settings tab in control panel in this example)? I'd really like to hope that's not what's going on here.......
SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support http://wall-art.smugmug.com/
I'm sitting in my control panel, on the setting tab.
I click the site wide customizations link.
The site wide customizations page starts loading (note the url bar changes)
I get redirected immediately to a login page. (the one with the new features pimpage everyone is up in arms about here)
I log in.
now I'm looking at the stupid interstictial page that Don says browsers require us to have... it has 4 links, the very first of them is "the page you were viewing"... this same link is set as the auto refresh url.
I click that first link.
I'm on the site wide customization page.
Have folks perhaps not tried that link and are just assuming that when it says "the page you were viewing" it means the previous page (settings tab in control panel in this example)? I'd really like to hope that's not what's going on here.......
I see the link. I've used the link. The problem is, I already told you where I want to go. And I really don't want to click again to tell you the same thing I already told you. (OK, I know, it's only one click. But it is annoying.)
I click on site customization
I am prompted for my passwod. I log in.
I see the same page that you see. And that's the page I don't want to see. I want to be taken directly to my customization page.
I saw Don's note about the interstitial page. That's the page I don't like. I'm having a hard time understanding why smug is using this page and other sites simply take me to the page I said I wanted to go to before the logon popped up. I already told you where I want to go. As far as the browser warning pop-up when going from https to http - isn't there a browser setting to stop the pop-ups?
I just logged on to another site. I was on an http page, clicked "my" which took me to an https login page. I logged in and was taken immediately to the "my" page, again an http page. No warning. No intermediate page.
But - onethumb said this
if we go from an SSL page to a non-SSL page without an interstitial, the browsers pop up security warnings that our customers are allergic to.
Thing is, from the login screen to the customization screen is SSL to SSL, isn't it? Both are https: pages. Am I missing something here?
Yup, you're right. I guess I'm just going to have to accept that annoying extra click.
Something that's been touched on by a few people here but not commented on by SM is the length of time before auto-redirect. For all I can tell you could be lying about there being an auto redirect to the page initially selected because who the H-E-double-hockey-sticks can wait ten freakin' seconds for the page to switch? Why even bother with it? I can't recall ever sitting at an interstitial page (and, yes, I know there are many of them out there) for more than about three seconds.
You know, just to be sure I wasn't imagining that there was an auto-redirect I just sat at that screen for 23 seconds. 23. And those were long seconds. I may have even stopped a few times to express my incredulity.
I don't mind this, it's not seen by visitors, and I'd rather see it here than in a separate email...and finally I understand the realities of business and regardless of what we may feel about advertising in general, most businesses depend on some sort of marketing to stay afloat.
My only suggestion would be that it's a little less 'in your face', but I don't mind it existing on the login page.
REALLY!!!!! Paying for advertisements now.
I want to agree completely with this post--we are paying to have a service and should have the option to decide what is shown and what is not. If someone is OK with being advertised to then let them--but for those of us who are not, we deserve an opt-out. not only does it feel like "we need money" it feels very similar to all of the FREE accounts that we all despise.
Please give your paying customers the option NOT to see your advertisements.
I feel like Smugmug is now advertising to me. I know my viewers don't see this, but there are a couple things that bug me about this:
First, I have no interest in cards from Smugmug. I've already received my holiday cards from the same vendor I've been using for the last 5 years. I'm certainly fine with Smugmug offering cards, I just don't need to be reminded about it several times a day.
Second, I hate this stupid screen that comes up after I log in. It's just a waste of time. Smugmug knows exactly where I was before I hit log in. Just take me there and don't make me click extra. Especially now, when I have to log in more often for the control panel. And, I work on multiple accounts so I have to log in to switch accounts too.
Third, why are you advertising to me? It feels like SPAM. I paid for my account. I don't want to see your promotional material when I don't want to. I'm fine with occasional notices on the homepage that I can dismiss after I've seen them, but I'm stuck with this every single time I log in. I'm fine with an occasional email announcing something new. But, this is just annoying. It's annoying that I have to go to this screen in the first place after logging in and now it's annoying that I have to see an ad for your cards everytime I go there.
This doesn't seem to be in the spirit of no spam, no advertising. I don't know quite why it bugs me, but it does.
I want to agree completely with this post--we are paying to have a service and should have the option to decide what is shown and what is not. If someone is OK with being advertised to then let them--but for those of us who are not, we deserve an opt-out. not only does it feel like "we need money" it feels very similar to all of the FREE accounts that we all despise.
Please give your paying customers the option NOT to see your advertisements.
Thanks for your mails at the desk, and I'm glad you posted here, too!
Regarding the landing page
I just went to my smugmug account because its time to renew and I need to update my CC. I go to my homepage, and click the link in it that sends me to "update [my] details in [my] account settings." I then get hit with a login window. I log in, and it goes to this landing page and just sits there. And sits there. (Still sitting there as a type this.) Why does this not take me directly to the page I asked to go to? The login page is a secure page, the account page is a secure page. Just take me there, don't make me click extra.
This "ad version" of the landing page didn't even give me a time that it would sit there. So, instead, logging in takes me to a page with a link to my homepage (the page i was viewing I was when I tried to log in), a link to my homepage, or not one, but TWO links to buy cards. None of these links imply that they go to the page I tried to get to, namely the one that lets me pay you money! Arg.
I see a new one. With no interstitial page any more in the few ways that I tried it so it just takes you to where you were trying to go! And the promotional material looks much more like announcements than banner ads. Much, much improved.
I see a new one. With no interstitial page any more in the few ways that I tried it so it just takes you to where you were trying to go! And the promotional material looks much more like announcements than banner ads. Much, much improved.
Yeah, we're trying to find a reasonable compromise so we can solve the #1 complaint about SmugMug (that we don't keep people informed about new developments) without offending too many eyes.
Why not do an AJAX request through an SSL enabled method that verifies login - then redirect from there - no intermediate page...
*or* without the SSL, hash the password to MD5 on the client side, send it to the server as a hash, then compare the MD5 hash on the server side and redirect from there.
Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.
Why do people post their equipment in their sig. Isn't it kind of like bragging? That having been said...
Canon 40d Gripped (x2), Rebel (Original), Canon 70-200 f/2.8 USM L, Canon 300 f/4, Tamron 28-75 f/2.8, Canon 50mm f/1.8, Canon 17-55 f/3.5-5.6, ThinkTank Airport TakeOff
In this case, we do pay more. But at least for me, although I clearly recognize that this is a plug for services, it doesn't bother me. When I signed on for smugmug with the expectation of "advertising free", I really only had the expectation of avoiding the ever present sidebar/banner/pop-up Pay-per-Click type advertising. The kind that is randomly targeted, sometimes related to the website visited, etc.
Just like I proudly show my support of various products through their branded logos, I don't mind the wee bit of marketing smugmug is doing in the login. It doesn't feel like a slippery slope to me ...
As always, this is just MY opinion ...
And, YES! clicking twice to get where you already indicated you wanted to go, is just lame ... HMM, maybe when we vote, they should ask us twice, just to be sure ...
Speaking of the log-in page, why do we have to uncheck to stay logged-in? This is backward to every other site on the planet. I once said SM seem to go out of their way to make things complicated and this is a perfect example.
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Unlike every other site on the planet, I don't have to check/uncheck *anything* to stay logged in at SmugMug. Since this is the 99% use case (people want to stay logged in), this makes a *lot* more sense than the rest of the sites on the planet.
So we're keeping it.
I agree. It's nice that staying loggedIn is the default behavior.
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Staying logged in has never been a problem on other sites. I check it once and stay logged in for months. In fact, I have to log in more often at SM than anywhere else. The current situation here is confusing and risky when login in on a public computer because you have to remember to check it.
I think security is more important than a 1 second inconvenience.
Unless we have a bug, the very first link, the one that says "the page you were viewing" is the "take me to where I was trying to go when this password prompt came up" link you're asking for. I've just tried a handfull of actions that required a login, every one of them that link, which is also the link you will be auto redirected to eventually, is the link I was trying to get to. If you know of a case that DOESN'T do that, please post it in the bug thread, as it is a bug.
For example, I'm trying to enter my site-wide customization. You request a password. That's fine. After I enter that password, please take me to the screen I was requesting when the password screen first came up. Why do you need to ask me where I want to go? I already told you that by clicking on site-wide customization.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
As for the Log-in page, I agree with the majority here..it is a PAIN...and I don't log in everyday.
I do appreciate the Who's Who of Smugmug responding here and other places and actually hearing us out. That is very RARE indeed in this world. So Thank You.
From Nikon D70s > Nikon D300s & D700
Nikon 50/1.8, Tamron 28-75/2.8 1st gen, Nikkor 12-24/4, Nikkor 70-200/2.8 ED VR, SB600, SB900, SB-26 and Gitzo 2 Series Carbon Fiber with Kirk Ballhead
We won't ever do this
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Too much too close together.
btw, I have NEVER gone to another page other then the one I was on. I've
requested in the past that a second link be added for the control panel or
customize page. Can not think of one reason why the "or return to
homepage" is needed, rather have go to control panel. Even better would be
the "go to control panel" would open in another tab.
My Website index | My Blog
now all i need is Photoshop tips of the day, and i would be even more happy.....
My wife was on her way to ordering them somewhere else when I remembered the "ad"
at it's current state it does not bother me but I could see it getting out of hand.
Keith Tharp.com - Champion Photo
Ok, now you've confused me.
Have folks perhaps not tried that link and are just assuming that when it says "the page you were viewing" it means the previous page (settings tab in control panel in this example)? I'd really like to hope that's not what's going on here.......
- I click on site customization
- I am prompted for my passwod. I log in.
- I see the same page that you see. And that's the page I don't want to see. I want to be taken directly to my customization page.
I saw Don's note about the interstitial page. That's the page I don't like. I'm having a hard time understanding why smug is using this page and other sites simply take me to the page I said I wanted to go to before the logon popped up. I already told you where I want to go. As far as the browser warning pop-up when going from https to http - isn't there a browser setting to stop the pop-ups?I just logged on to another site. I was on an http page, clicked "my" which took me to an https login page. I logged in and was taken immediately to the "my" page, again an http page. No warning. No intermediate page.
But - onethumb said this Thing is, from the login screen to the customization screen is SSL to SSL, isn't it? Both are https: pages. Am I missing something here?
Yup, you're right. I guess I'm just going to have to accept that annoying extra click.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
You know, just to be sure I wasn't imagining that there was an auto-redirect I just sat at that screen for 23 seconds. 23. And those were long seconds. I may have even stopped a few times to express my incredulity.
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I don't mind this, it's not seen by visitors, and I'd rather see it here than in a separate email...and finally I understand the realities of business and regardless of what we may feel about advertising in general, most businesses depend on some sort of marketing to stay afloat.
My only suggestion would be that it's a little less 'in your face', but I don't mind it existing on the login page.
I want to agree completely with this post--we are paying to have a service and should have the option to decide what is shown and what is not. If someone is OK with being advertised to then let them--but for those of us who are not, we deserve an opt-out. not only does it feel like "we need money" it feels very similar to all of the FREE accounts that we all despise.
Please give your paying customers the option NOT to see your advertisements.
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I was being glib... and I'm guess I should assume you knew that and were being glib, too?
I just went to my smugmug account because its time to renew and I need to update my CC. I go to my homepage, and click the link in it that sends me to "update [my] details in [my] account settings." I then get hit with a login window. I log in, and it goes to this landing page and just sits there. And sits there. (Still sitting there as a type this.) Why does this not take me directly to the page I asked to go to? The login page is a secure page, the account page is a secure page. Just take me there, don't make me click extra.
This "ad version" of the landing page didn't even give me a time that it would sit there. So, instead, logging in takes me to a page with a link to my homepage (the page i was viewing I was when I tried to log in), a link to my homepage, or not one, but TWO links to buy cards. None of these links imply that they go to the page I tried to get to, namely the one that lets me pay you money! Arg.
We must all be running out of things to complain about
... and a remember me check box.
My Website index | My Blog
I see a new one. With no interstitial page any more in the few ways that I tried it so it just takes you to where you were trying to go! And the promotional material looks much more like announcements than banner ads. Much, much improved.
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