How does one find a good Wedding Photog
As a Justice of the Peace, I do see how photographers work a site. The least we see them the better off things will be obviously.
But as a JP, I have couple often ask for my recommendation as to who is a good band, a good DJ, a good reception area and a good Photographer.
I have some that are pleasant to work with, but I seldom see the final result of their shots. How I would hate to recomment anyone who is liked because of their friendliness but sucks, literally, in their skills.
I am open to any suggestions and even if someone is in the Western MASS area, of their opinions
I know I should ask, just like a couple, to see examples, but many are not willing to do so as I would never be a customer. Somewhat stupid in their thinking as I could bring them much business
Also I am not looking for any renumeration. I want the couple to be happy with everything I have done on my part and anyone or anything I have suggested results in the same conclusion. That gives me more jobs and those I work with allows us to become equally comfortable with each other
See how it works?
Again, I am open to suggestions
But as a JP, I have couple often ask for my recommendation as to who is a good band, a good DJ, a good reception area and a good Photographer.
I have some that are pleasant to work with, but I seldom see the final result of their shots. How I would hate to recomment anyone who is liked because of their friendliness but sucks, literally, in their skills.
I am open to any suggestions and even if someone is in the Western MASS area, of their opinions
I know I should ask, just like a couple, to see examples, but many are not willing to do so as I would never be a customer. Somewhat stupid in their thinking as I could bring them much business
Also I am not looking for any renumeration. I want the couple to be happy with everything I have done on my part and anyone or anything I have suggested results in the same conclusion. That gives me more jobs and those I work with allows us to become equally comfortable with each other
See how it works?
Again, I am open to suggestions
I'd think the phrase 'I often make recommendations' should get any photographer's attention
Then ask if they've a website with samples from their portfolio so you can see the end results as well as pass along the URL to anyone who asks you for some names/contact info of photogs.
This is 100% correct. I would start with the people that you know and work out from there. Any photographer should jump at the chance to add to their network. There is no better advertising than word of mouth.
Website - blog
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
That's an excellent way to also find out if they feel like they got value for money too.
Once I figure out which photographers knew how to correct for lighting, as well as get good exposures I started looking at compositions. How did the photos make me feel? Were they interesting, or did they look like Uncle Bob took the photos?
I think if you start looking around the web you'll slowly start getting a feel yourself for which ones have talent and which ones don't. Which ones put effort into the post-processing and which ones just unload the memory cards and call it a day.
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Why not have coffee with a few and ask to see their sample books? See if you have synergy and see if you like their images. Style is a matter of personal taste so don't just choose one. Then you can refer a few so if one is booked they have other places to go.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.