dgrin DSS 14 possibilities ??

some photo’s taken today for the still life challenge Question;
are they worthy of consideration, or back to the drawing board…?
gargoyle by flashlight

The insides of a old German musical revolving Christmas tree stand
Too dark??

Comments welcome.
are they worthy of consideration, or back to the drawing board…?
gargoyle by flashlight

The insides of a old German musical revolving Christmas tree stand
Too dark??

Comments welcome.
"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me
"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me

And of the gargoyle images, I think the second is best. Maybe light the left side of the face just a tad more so you can make out more of it.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
just a mag light in an otherwise totally dark garage where I have my work table for matting and other work. I'll have to get out another one and maybe put a diffuser over the lens and elevate it using one of my mini-pods, all very seat of the pants.
the second item is the guts of a very old German Xmas tree stand that also is music box and made the tree revolve, operated by a big spring. We even had candles and sparklers ( which my Dad would lite as the tree revolved in a darkened room), a very old family tradition that most folks thought was pretty kool if not completely nuts! Ha Ha.
Thanks for the input.
"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me