Anyone wanna help the forum?

I was thinking that we need an instructional page for how to link exif when not using a SmugMug account. Would anyone like to write this up...super simple for newbies?
Psalm 62:5-6
I don't mind writing it, except I'm not sure if it's different for different galleries.... I know how to do it with picasa (who provide easily find-able exif info), but not other services. If other users want to email me with the PRECISE tech deets of how to link to the exifs using their service (flickr, shutterfly, photobucket, Kodak, whoever) then I'm happy to collate it and write it up in a user-friendly manner.
Does that help?
Edited to add: are jpg screen captures of an exif acceptable? If so, then those can be uploaded - as jpgs - to ANY service. I'd be happy to write up directions to that as well if that is deemed an acceptable mode of exif-ing (ouch - I just verbed!)
Edited again to add: I also know how to do it with Photobucket (just went and dug around in old account) so I can cover that one as well.
for greasemonkey (a javascript engine)
for the script
Install greasemonkey, copy and paste the userscript into it, set* as the domain and you're all set. I have yet to find an image on here that I can't get the EXIF from there or Opanda (as long as they bothered to embed it.)
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
Perhaps include it as part of the page/blurb about exifs so folks can add it if they want?
i think only the mods really would need them, and this might eliminate all the hubub over linking exifs. I think the mods would have to confirm the efficacy. The Photo Section
If you're doing this, I'll write up something for Flickr & Photobucket!
Oh yea, this was the crux of my idea. If we get 10 judges/mods with it then I would bet we could severely cut down on axed photos because of linked EXIF data. Particularly from sites like photobucket every time they update their interface the procedure for linking changes. In fact I don't even know how to do it since they went totally flash based, and I'm a geek
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
Gotcha. But... isn't the deal that the onus is supposed to be on the submitter to make the exif easily accessible rather than the mods to dig it out of the picture (by whatever means)? There aren't many rules to follow to jump in on dgrin, it's free... it doesn't seem to be asking too much for folks to figure out this one thing. I know that, for me, I knew NOTHING about exif info before starting to read the challenges thread. I didn't actually even know the metadata was in there, and that I COULD CHECK MY SETTINGS and learn from it. So, for me, the emphasis in here on exif actually turned out to be a huge boon because... now I know about exif
For non-smuggies, if all else fails with their existing gallery they could start a picasa gallery for their submissions (which provides easy access to the exif date, is dead easy to use and is free).
Just musings.
That would be great!
Anybody for Kodak, snapfish or shuttterfly?
Just enter the url of your image into the first box, click "View Image At Url", then copy the address bar The Photo Section
Essentially if you have firefox/greasemonkey and this script, it adds a little tiny "page curl" image to any posted image. If you click on this "page curl" it takes you to the exif even if it was not linked directly. It supports some native exif links like smugmug, photobucket(?) and such and if there is no native exif linking it can also use an external website that shows the exif as well. The Photo Section
Where'd VelvtRide go? She did a great series of screengrabs on this topic for Smug. Perhaps we can convince her to do it for non-Smug???
1. Is it at all possible that the coding of the forum facilitates the extraction of the exif data from the image and displays it, much the same way as the photo hosting sites extracts and displays the same info?
2. or maybe all entries are entered to a competition account on smugmug? The beauty with this idea is that all information is presented in identical fashion and also all images are presented without risk of any loss from other sites/holding areas.
I think it's a little bizarre given all images hold this exif data (or need to in order to be a valid entry) that we are required to link to an external source to show it.
Haven't seen Heidi around in a while.
I like this idea, particularly because I've had the same idea for months
We're working on it, but it obviously involves SmugMug help (from the Sorcerers to write some neat code).
maybe even make it anonymous entries....
ofcourse some styles would be obvious to some....but still a good idea imo...
Unfortunately I dont think its possible to automate it at all. I was just checking a few of the images submitted for recent DSS 14 and they dont have EXIF in the linked JPGs anway. It looks like whenever it gets uploaded, the service (smugmug, flickr, whatever) strips the EXIF when they create the various sizes. And you cant depend on all the various photo sites to keep it in there. If that wasnt the case you could easily use the URL that pyroprints mentioned
e.g. Here is the first entry for DSS 14 which obviously was uploaded with EXIF because he links to it
unfortunately there is no EXIF in there.
I have PM'd you the instructions for Flickr and for Photobucket. Hope that helps out.
Tx Darkdragon - got the pm's (sorry for sluggish response - have been on the road all day)
Emily and Doc, let me know how y'all want to proceed and I'll get to work on an FAQ. Hth!
We're currently hashing out some alternative ideas, so hang tight for a little while, ok? Also, things are hectic for me right now, so please be patient with PMs, etc. I truly appreciate this community SO MUCH!
No problem!
if this is something the judges need to do, add it to your judging instrutions thread so we dont forget...:D
#32 seaain.gray - "Sleepers"
no taken date? just mod date.
is this an issue?
Mod duty, not judges.
Camera: Canon 50d, Canon 1D Mark IV
Lens: 85L, 35L, 70-200L, 28-135mm IS, 50mm 1.4
Flash: 580EX II, 3xB8000 AB's/FlexTT5s
I have to say I think it is - how big of an issue is up to Emily and Erik. A modification date isn't an exif field and appears if you edit a file and save it, even on a file that has originally been produced with the infamous save for web feature.