Selling sessions on Digital Frames / memory cards

Is anyone yet offering to sell their images on digital frames, memory cards, etc. Moving with the times I'd like to add a couple in the product line for my clients to choose from... something that looks nice like a real photo frame, is reasonably priced to retail, and of course I want great display quality. I don't care about it having wifi and all that... just cool looking frames to beautifully play the images I've sold them on cd, dvd, memory card, etc.
Digital frames seem to be the modern rage with people buying them up faster than stores can stock them... but most (wallyworlds) don't display very pretty. I'm thinking if my clients are gonna be putting them on digital frames anyhow (some do allready when they buy the cd) why not offer them a great digital frame product to do so. We all want our images looking their best right... I'm thinking it's time to start taping into this area to see if there's a market.
I can visualize this being a great add-on for say first time baby / family customers. Sell the frame with the first session and all follow up sessions we add the files to a memory card the frame can read...
Thoughts? Opinions? And please 'Digital Frame Recommendations'!
Digital frames seem to be the modern rage with people buying them up faster than stores can stock them... but most (wallyworlds) don't display very pretty. I'm thinking if my clients are gonna be putting them on digital frames anyhow (some do allready when they buy the cd) why not offer them a great digital frame product to do so. We all want our images looking their best right... I'm thinking it's time to start taping into this area to see if there's a market.
I can visualize this being a great add-on for say first time baby / family customers. Sell the frame with the first session and all follow up sessions we add the files to a memory card the frame can read...
Thoughts? Opinions? And please 'Digital Frame Recommendations'!
Cindy Colbert (Utterback) • Wishing You Co-Bear Love, Hugs & Laughter!!!
The good digital frames cost a lot more. Its the cheap ones people are buying up.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
Unfortunately, even well-heeled clients balk at paying the price for decent quality. Makes no sense - it just is.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
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I'd try Consumer Reports to see if they have done any reviews. Outside of that, a Google search should be able to provide some reviews.
Have fun with this idea!
Regarding: They won't buy it because they can get it at megalow mart
True, True... but they can also get crappy portraits at megalow mart if they decide to (but they learned and choose us). The ones who won't are not neccasarly who we want to market to anyway eye.
Most of those who want great portraits want them displayed properly and might be willing to pay $$$ for digital display numerous images verses $$ to display just 1 fabulous print.
I'd like to find a few nice looking, good display quality (priced studio reasonable - does that make sence?) then display in the studio alongside a couple megalow mart ones... show them what their getting just like those of us who offer images on CD with print release. I direct them to print at the lab of their choice but make recommendations and show them why with megalow examples.
Like I said... I'm just kicking this thought/idea around. Looking forward to more disscussion.
So which ones are the good ones?
That's kinda what I was thinking MaryBoo... then keep them coming back for new sessions with a digital fee agreement to upgrade their frame/memory cards, etc. with a minamum print order or something. Might be a crazy idea but with the digital rage and everyone wanting digital display... well I'm just trying to think of how to meet their wants and cash in.
I would only show the high-end high quality digital frame product that you will provide with your package. Don't even have a low-end one around. Just sell why the highend stuff is so good and why you have selected to use it for your customers. (The BMW guy only talks about the great things his car offers. He doesn't have have a KIA in the showroom)
For print examples, I have a 5x7 print of the same image on the 4 different papers that SmugMug offers so that I can show it to my customers and explain what they are getting with each paper type. I keep them unmatted so they can feel the thickness of the paper and examine the back of the print. For the metalic paper I take the same image and print it at 8x10 & mat it. You can't believe the WOW factor in in that! They love the way it looks. You can really see the difference in the larger print. I also have the same image printed poorly at a local big box warehouse. So they can see what can happen to a perfectly nice portrait in the wrong hands.
Tonight, I saw a HUGE (24 x 36?) digital frame for $700. I think that would draw interest, and bring people over to the table to then look at the computer monitor and purchase!
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To heck with the business, I want that in my house! That would be so cool. I've run out of wall space and it would a great way to get my current favorites up on the wall. Where did you see this?
I saw it at Best Buy. Will have to go back and see the brand etc.
Looked pretty nice!
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24x36 is essentially the same as a 42 inch (diagonal) screen lcd tv. You can get those on sale (Vizio brand) for around $700-800 at Sam's Club or Costco. Not only would it display your slideshow, but it has both HDMI and DVI inputs for your computer.
Use it as a second monitor off your laptop, run the slideshow in one window on it, and do business on your other screen.