Moving galleries

JDeanJDean Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
edited December 11, 2008 in SmugMug Support
Howdy everyone! Is it possible to move all of the galleries in a subcategory to another subcategory all at once?


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
    edited December 11, 2008
    JDean wrote:
    Is it possible to move all of the galleries in a subcategory to another subcategory all at once?
    I'm not aware to change the subcategory of all galleries in a subcategory with one click. I usually use SmugBrowser for things like this. I find making the changes to each gallery using the SmugBrowser interface much quicker than bouncing through each customize gallery screen in Smug.


    --- Denise
  • agalliaagallia Registered Users Posts: 541 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2008
    I'm not aware to change the subcategory of all galleries in a subcategory with one click. I usually use SmugBrowser for things like this. I find making the changes to each gallery using the SmugBrowser interface much quicker than bouncing through each customize gallery screen in Smug.


    --- Denise
    Hi, Denise. Glad to see your comment. I've been using Firefox add-on Smugbrowser for a bit now and hadn't noticed that I can also change a gallery Cat. and Sub-Cat. But I see that option when I right-click on the gallery name and go to Properties.

    Not sure about changing the Cat. or Sub-Cat. properties. Looks like I can rename them but don't see the option to "move" to another existing Cat. or Sub-Cat.

    Acadiana Al
    Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
    Blog: Journey to the Light
    "Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
    edited December 11, 2008
    agallia wrote:
    Hi, Denise. Glad to see your comment. I've been using Firefox add-on Smugbrowser for a bit now and hadn't noticed that I can also change a gallery Cat. and Sub-Cat. But I see that option when I right-click on the gallery name and go to Properties.

    Not sure about changing the Cat. or Sub-Cat. properties. Looks like I can rename them but don't see the option to "move" to another existing Cat. or Sub-Cat.

    Assigning a gallery to a different category or subcategory is all you need to do. There is no MOVE. You simply assign the gallery to a different subcategory or category.

    You can change category and subcategory at a gallery level in smugbrowser. Unfortunately you can't do an update properties at the subcategory level to change the assigned subcat in all of the galleries in that subcategoy.

    --- Denise
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