What are we doing with video?

This is more of a SmugMug Suggestion that's why I'm posting here rather than the video forum.
SM has had video for a while now, but I never gave it a second thought until I saw Don's blog with the clip from the 5D-MKII.
I shoot with a d200 so I bought my wife a D90 in case she want to borrow a lens or what not. Again up until I started seeing the samples of videos from the D90 and 5d-MKII, I was sure I hated the idea of an SLR having video capabilities.
So Don's clip inspired me to play around with it.
Now I'm thinking, what is everyone doing with the video on SM? Are we just using SM to host the video so we can share it around?
Like a few others, I'm here at SmugMug selling prints, now I want to sell video.
Is SM working on this?
When I export out of iMovie to my MobileMe account it gives me an option of (I believe 4) different sizes to upload and I can chose all 4 if I want, Tiny, iPhone, Web, & Original.
Couldn't we have an uploader to SM do the same thing? then simply put price tags on DL's of the different sizes and sit back and wait for the money to roll in.
We offer digital DL's of images is it a major difference to do the same for video?
I'm sure I have customers standing in line for this product already and they don't even know it.
I sell prints from images of a gymnast doing a 90 second balance beam routine, I guarantee you a 90 second movie of the same event is going to have customers.
It's simply the next step,
Oh Please, pretty please. Can we get this up and running?
SM has had video for a while now, but I never gave it a second thought until I saw Don's blog with the clip from the 5D-MKII.
I shoot with a d200 so I bought my wife a D90 in case she want to borrow a lens or what not. Again up until I started seeing the samples of videos from the D90 and 5d-MKII, I was sure I hated the idea of an SLR having video capabilities.
So Don's clip inspired me to play around with it.
Now I'm thinking, what is everyone doing with the video on SM? Are we just using SM to host the video so we can share it around?
Like a few others, I'm here at SmugMug selling prints, now I want to sell video.
Is SM working on this?
When I export out of iMovie to my MobileMe account it gives me an option of (I believe 4) different sizes to upload and I can chose all 4 if I want, Tiny, iPhone, Web, & Original.
Couldn't we have an uploader to SM do the same thing? then simply put price tags on DL's of the different sizes and sit back and wait for the money to roll in.
We offer digital DL's of images is it a major difference to do the same for video?
I'm sure I have customers standing in line for this product already and they don't even know it.
I sell prints from images of a gymnast doing a 90 second balance beam routine, I guarantee you a 90 second movie of the same event is going to have customers.
It's simply the next step,
Oh Please, pretty please. Can we get this up and running?
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Your supposed to say..."Wow why didn't we think of that, thank you sir, the entire team will be on this till launch and there will be a little something special in your stocking for the effort"
Thanks Andy, I trust the suggestion will end up in the appropriate place.
Keith Tharp.com - Champion Photo
What he said... it's be perfect for what I use video for... currently I can allow people to download all videos for free or only allow them to play the videos on the site directly.
It'd be nice to be able to sell them in some manner either by allowing people to create a DVD from the videos I have on the site or simply allow them to download them.
Keith Tharp.com - Champion Photo
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This would be great! I have about 3000 stock video clips that are selling well at Pond5, but it would be great if I could also offer them here in conjunction with my stock images site. Please make it happen as soon as you can!
Business: www.panopro.com
Stock Images: www.worldviewimages.com (Smugmug Site)
Stock Video: https://www.pond5.com/artist/videoopp
Blog: www.untotheleast.com