Feeds - problem in Firefox - with protected image files
Hello everybody!
I have one big problem! :-(
The greatest image size on my galleries is the originalfileformat witch i ve protected against downloads.
But with the newest firefox browser i can show all the pictures on my side in all sizes via feeds .... and of course the pictures can be downloaded. :-( Very bad!
Is there any way that the pictures cant be viewed via feeds.
I must have the original size on my side for picture prints so i have a great interrest to stop this possibility to view the photos in O-Size!
Thank you very much for your help!
I have one big problem! :-(
The greatest image size on my galleries is the originalfileformat witch i ve protected against downloads.
But with the newest firefox browser i can show all the pictures on my side in all sizes via feeds .... and of course the pictures can be downloaded. :-( Very bad!
Is there any way that the pictures cant be viewed via feeds.
I must have the original size on my side for picture prints so i have a great interrest to stop this possibility to view the photos in O-Size!
Thank you very much for your help!
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I'm located in germany and the smugmug print service isn`t the best way for my "costumers" who are form germany too.
Is there really now way to terminate the feeds...???
There is no way to terminate the feeds. This has been asked for by others and it does not currently exist.
You should know that if you enable originals in the gallery settings, then there are many other ways to get your originals. The right-click protection is merely a slight deterrent. If I was looking at your gallery and you only had right-click protection on, I could literally show an original of yours in a matter of seconds.
Do you realize that you (as the logged in site owner) still have access to the originals even if you set largest size to something smaller, so you can block access from the public, but still have access yourself?
If you want to give only some external agents access to the originals, then the only other solution I know of is to have two copies of your galleries, one for the public to view which does not allow access to originals and a second copy that is password protected that does allow access to originals. You then give the password out to those few folks that you want to have access to the originals.
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Yes I know that I have access to the original size as owner and of course I tought about the possibility to set two galleries but the problem is... The visitors look in the public gallery and then they can oprder a picture only by a simply click under the picture which was shown... the imagefile then directly transfered to the imageprinter - if I had a second gallery I think there is now way to get the right file! ... I mean that the same Picture in gallery one has a different filename and a different url as the picture in gallery two. And I guess there is no way to automate this.
:-(((( Sooooo bad.....
Is it possible that only I (as the owner) and the photoprinter get access to the O-files???
This will immediatly solve my problems...
sorry for my bad english :-((
I don't know how to give someone else and only someone else access to your originals unless you put them in a password protected gallery or give them your account password (something I would not recommend).
With most online printers, you don't have to give them access to your images, but rather you upload your images to them directly. Does this photoprinter not work that way?
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