This is a test - ignore

(mods, feel free to delete in an hour or so - I'm just trying to make sure that photobucket links work the way I think they do as I'm writing up this linking article!!)
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ignore, whew....i thought i was going to get a hard one...
Name calling allowed on your own turn?
A reference to Dilbert that failed flat. Just ignore the whole thing
I'm seriously rofl here
That's what you get for putting 'ignore' in the title - how can we not grab it and run? It's not like we had a choice now is it?
I wonder if wearing overalls made out of those dusting whatsits when you rofl would be useful way of cleaning the house. Just put Yakety sax on and crank it. And if you use an ipod instead the the stereo, Aaron can still hear his telephone.
::rolls eyes:: (affectionately, of course :sweet)
I forget that this place is part frat house and I should plan accordingly :giggle
whoooohooooo, toga Toga TOga TOGa TOGA!!!!
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Okay, you really DO need to find a wife!!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
NOT a wife, but a single woman. Don't want too hurt some other chaps feelings.