Searching using "OR"?
Ok... here's a question I can't easily find an answer to and that I am not finding results easily experimenting with...
Is there a way to do a search for keywords with an OR?
e.g. dog OR cat where I would get the result of all photos that have a dog or cat as a keyword as opposed to dog AND cat which would give all photos with only dog and cat as a keyword.
The AND option seems to be the default when a search is made with two keywords, but I cannot see where using OR is possible (and searching for this topic is impossible).
Thanks for any help.
Is there a way to do a search for keywords with an OR?
e.g. dog OR cat where I would get the result of all photos that have a dog or cat as a keyword as opposed to dog AND cat which would give all photos with only dog and cat as a keyword.
The AND option seems to be the default when a search is made with two keywords, but I cannot see where using OR is possible (and searching for this topic is impossible).
Thanks for any help.
We have:
1. keywords
2. galleries
3. users
4. photos
If you search, you get different boxes for all these different items. If your search matches any keywords, they'll simply show up as a word and you can click on them to view them - give it a try on . So you can only click on either dog or cat for keywords.
For the rest, I believe always and is used. At least, adding OR didn't change the top results for the other boxes.
I don't really know if you can get and OR operator to work at all. Sorry.
Maybe someone else can step in as I'm clueless.
SmugMug Support Hero
I guess I was being a bit generic, but really I'm thinking in searching for photos. My sister-in-law is interested in finding all the photos on my site that have either my niece and nephew. All of my photos are keyworded so that if either of them are in photos, they are already tagged appropriately.
So, from my home page, if I search for both names (in the search box), I get all the photos that are tagged with both names as keywords (and probably in descriptions), i.e. an AND search.
I tried typing in both names separated by an OR but I get the same result as if it was an AND search. Presumably Smugmug just thinks that the OR is a common word and throws it out.
Anyway, I just wanted to find out if it was some how possible to do the OR or if there was some advanced search feature that could do that, mostly for photos or even through keywords if possible. I'm not concerned about users or galleries.