Hidden Smugmug pictures can be found via Google!?

I just discovered the SmuIsland settings have been hacked ... or am I wrong?
My site wide account setting for SmugIsland is set to "Google can find Home Page only". The galleries are set to follow the site wide setting. From this I thought Google cannot find the images and galleries.
However, I was able to find such "hidden" images and galleries using Google. The address in the browser reads as follows:
Looks a bit funny to me ... Have you a clue? :huh
Thanx, Nicolas
BTW: I have some screen shots available on request
My site wide account setting for SmugIsland is set to "Google can find Home Page only". The galleries are set to follow the site wide setting. From this I thought Google cannot find the images and galleries.
However, I was able to find such "hidden" images and galleries using Google. The address in the browser reads as follows:
Looks a bit funny to me ... Have you a clue? :huh
Thanx, Nicolas
BTW: I have some screen shots available on request
Mainly for private use - no chance to meet your work, guys! http://team-boehmer.smugmug.com
Well, I'm not worried about smuggers browsing through the images/galleries/site. But I faced some troubles more than a year ago with unwanted and unpleasant traffic which found it's way from outside the Smugmug world.
So it would be great if this cannot happen again.
Are you logged in to your SM account?
If you have not actually clicked the "log out" button then the cookie in your browser cache is still active and will let what you are seeing happen.
Log out or try a different browser that you've never logged into SM with before and see if you get the same results.
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