"My Rookery" Magnolia Gardens/Plantation

The lower one was taken in the winter, the one above was taken at a slightly different place, in the spring. Interesting. The winter trees are very green now. That gives me a pretty green background, it also makes the birds harder to see.

Above, that is an older photo, but that is how it looks. As one can see, the birds are not exactly on top of me, except when they are flying over, in which case there is a canopy of trees so they are impossible to shoot.
This is the closest tree. I used my 300 Prime with a 1.4 extender, I think, probably, I usually do, unless I am using my wide. I am venturing into using my 70-200 a bit here.
Anyway, this is a tree where I should see babies, the heron has been sitting on his/her nest for a month or more........I have seen nothing, except an egg, as of last week. I cannot make that tree look pretty, so in general, I am calling it the crazy Christmas tree.

This is a cropped photo of the closest chicks, and the only chicks, I have seen there. It too is taken at 420mm, but I can't get that close, I don't think, and I don't have the original on smugmug. They are always backlit as I go towards evening.
I don't think I will do any better this weekend as it is almost 12:30 right now.
Maybe Sunday morning. Walking down the path quite a ways and turning to the rt on a dirt path, I can get closer to ONE bird. And that bird has been sitting awhile, too.

Ginger at "my place", Magnolia Gardens.
Tomorrow there is a revolutionary war reinactment taking place at three plantations. If I had any sense I would go. That would let me look at the birds for chicks, particularly the heron. And I would be able to take photos of the stuff going on for the war thing, the largest reinactment in the states, supposedly. I am not really into that stuff, but a quick look, a few photos I could post, then over to look at my birds, that would not be bad.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
The road in that area is historic with hundreds of years old live oak trees. No one wants to cut the trees down to widen the road, with recent growth the traffic is already terrible at rush hour, so the idea of a huge developement feeding into the road and area struck terror into present residents and others.
The mayor of Charleston "went to war". He begged, pleaded, etc, with the No Charleston mayor not to consider doing this. That mayor would not back down, so Charleston itself is annexing the area.
This was out in the media for all to see, it was like an old fashioned shoot out, I cannot imagine those two men ever speaking again. And I cannot imagine what would make, IMO, the No Charleston mayor so irresponsible for the sake of "growth".
Thanks for the looks and the nice comments on my area. I have worked on some more bird photos and something else. Am going to download to smugmug now. Thanks again, Trish and Jeff.
(anyone who wants to see the "old south" in this area should hurry over, it is sad, as you said, what people will do to make a buck.):cry
Your rookery is quite beautiful... I truly hope they do not take away your "treasure". Thanks for sharing your images, and I look forward to your revolutionary war shots.
This is as close as my lens comes, this is the back lighting. Not easy to find a place to shoot into. g
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I have to walk half a mile down a path to find one egret. You got trees
full of them. Anyways thanks again for showing off the wonderland of egrets.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.