best of luck to you on your big day, congratulations and always remember: the trash goes out on tuesday mornings, and don't forget to put the seat down
So today is a big day for me. 2pm easter time zone I'll no longer be a single guy. I'm very much happily getting married to a wonderful woman!
See you all later!
Congrats John and bride. We toast to your continued happiness together.
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
My wife is too smart. She will say "That's not what I asked!"
I'm not married yet so I could be wrong but from what I have been told the default answers to everything are:
Im sorry dear
Yes dear
Hunny, how could you look fat. You weight what 100lbs?
Thats a great idea hunny
I don't know what I was thinking
I will never do that again
White gold or Yellow?
Here's my check hunny
Congrats, and good luck.
If you want it to last, the most important thing to remember, is always say "I'm sorry" (even when you are sure it's her fault)
Been there done that, still doing it!!
It's quite a ride, you'll dig it
My best to you and your new wife
Show us some piccies when you can
My Galleries
I'm taking the same plunge come June 25th.
It is far better to be happy than to be right
and also.... What better way to spend your life, then with your best friend
Congrats again
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Cincinnati Smug Leader
to you both! Hope you can post some photos soon.
I'm getting married on June 11th, must be that time of year.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
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Congrats John and bride. We toast to your continued happiness together.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Im sorry dear
Yes dear
Hunny, how could you look fat. You weight what 100lbs?
Thats a great idea hunny
I don't know what I was thinking
I will never do that again
White gold or Yellow?
Here's my check hunny