Which memory card for my new A-700?

What is the difference in performance between the:
SanDisk SDCFX3-008G-A31 8GB Extreme III CF Card
and the:
Crucial 8Gb Lexar Media Professional Udma 300X Compactflash Cf8Gb-300-380
Would I need the Lexar 300X to utilize the 5 frames per second function?
Would I be happy with the SanDisk which is about 40% less $$$?
Would you recommend the LCD screen protector?
Here are the links for the 2 cards.
http://www.amazon.com/... ..._1_5?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1229353183&sr=1-5
http://www.amazon.com/... ...ref=dp_ob_title_ce?ie=UTF8&qid=1229353183&sr=1-5
SanDisk SDCFX3-008G-A31 8GB Extreme III CF Card
and the:
Crucial 8Gb Lexar Media Professional Udma 300X Compactflash Cf8Gb-300-380
Would I need the Lexar 300X to utilize the 5 frames per second function?
Would I be happy with the SanDisk which is about 40% less $$$?
Would you recommend the LCD screen protector?
Here are the links for the 2 cards.
http://www.amazon.com/... ..._1_5?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1229353183&sr=1-5
http://www.amazon.com/... ...ref=dp_ob_title_ce?ie=UTF8&qid=1229353183&sr=1-5