Upload problem - images out of sequence?

redcrownredcrown Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
edited December 16, 2008 in SmugMug Support
My images are getting "scrambled" out of sequence in batch uploads. I've used "Send to Smugmug" for a long time and noticed scrambled images in the last few batches. So I added the CS3 Bridge interface and uploaded a small batch with Bridge. Same thing, images appear in the gallery out of sequence.

Any ideas? Is it just me, or has the Smugmug image processor added a new feature?

Here is my latest upload.


I had already hand sorted everything thru gianixmas039. Images gianixmas040 on were loaded in one batch via Bridge CS3 and are out of sequence.


  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited December 15, 2008
    I checked your gallery and it is set with no sorting in the gallery customizations screen. You need to set that to one of the options like Date Taken. That will probably correct the positioning.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • S-ManS-Man Registered Users Posts: 151 Major grins
    edited December 15, 2008
    I noticed that too.
    Fortunately, they have an "arrange photos" feature that allows you to quick-arrange them according to date taken. That usually makes a time-line like posting of my images, putting the first one taken first, and the last one taken last.
  • redcrownredcrown Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited December 16, 2008
    Still struggling with upload sorting sequence
    Thanks for the pointers to other sorting features. However, even those have some minor drawbacks.

    My goal, and my practice for a long time now, is to upload images in the sequence taken, and then manually move a few.

    My files are named in sequence. Some might have suffered some special processing that removed the original "date taken" in EXIF (HDR for example), so the sequential file name is the only dependable sort key.

    I think "Send to Smugmug" and other batch loaders have behaved well until recently. Did something change? Or has Smugmug always randomly scrambled images and I'm just senile?

    If I customize a gallery and sort by one of the options it works well. But then I can't manually move an image. If I do, the gallery is automatically re-sorted by the selected option.

    If I customize/sort by file name and then customize/sort by "none", the gallery reverts to the original Smugmug scrambled sequence.

    Can't find a way to upload in sequence then move a few. Can't understand how and why Smugmug is randomly scrambling?
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2008
    redcrown wrote:
    Thanks for the pointers to other sorting features. However, even those have some minor drawbacks.

    My goal, and my practice for a long time now, is to upload images in the sequence taken, and then manually move a few.

    My files are named in sequence. Some might have suffered some special processing that removed the original "date taken" in EXIF (HDR for example), so the sequential file name is the only dependable sort key.

    I think "Send to Smugmug" and other batch loaders have behaved well until recently. Did something change? Or has Smugmug always randomly scrambled images and I'm just senile?

    If I customize a gallery and sort by one of the options it works well. But then I can't manually move an image. If I do, the gallery is automatically re-sorted by the selected option.

    If I customize/sort by file name and then customize/sort by "none", the gallery reverts to the original Smugmug scrambled sequence.

    Can't find a way to upload in sequence then move a few. Can't understand how and why Smugmug is randomly scrambling?
    Set the sort under customize gallery to none ascending. Then use the sort
    under "tools" > "arrange" > "sort". This is an instant sort, then click
    arrange under main photo and move photos around or do it by "arrange by number".
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • redcrownredcrown Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited December 16, 2008
    Thanks, Allen. That works well.
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