I like the light or absence of: On her face in the first of these! Great pose too!
But you need to fix the left part of her fanny close to the floor where because of her stretching her skin she has run the blood out of the dermis. It simply looks weird.
Additionally I like the lighting. Blue for background and WB controlled for her...well done!~
Canon 350D
24-70 2.8L
70-200 2.8L IS
580EX II
1.4x Extender
Gitzo 3531 w/ RRS BH-55 Ballhead
RRS L-Plate, quick release clamp and plates
But you need to fix the left part of her fanny close to the floor where because of her stretching her skin she has run the blood out of the dermis. It simply looks weird.
Additionally I like the lighting. Blue for background and WB controlled for her...well done!~
cheers, tom
Thanks for the kind words.