At dusk the other night we had a great red sky with a nice line of clouds. I experimented a bit with increased exposure times (about 4 seconds) and zooming while the shutter was open. After a bunch of trial and error I got the shot below.
I like this picture a lot. I get a lot of feeling from the image: I get a sense of mystery; it feels a little sinister and a little dangerous; I get a sensation of motion in my body while viewing (probably from the zooming you did). I also enjoy the color palette.
I'll definitely have to try it out (both with the zoom and changing the focus which I also think might produce interesting effects with long exposures).
Thanks everyone for looking at the photo and sending me your feedback. I like this technique and am going to try and find other situations in which to use it.
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I'll definitely have to try it out (both with the zoom and changing the focus which I also think might produce interesting effects with long exposures).
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I had no idea about that trick with zooming while the shutter is open. Will have to try it soon!
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