Can't allow free downloads for clients
I did a promotional event and I want to allow those customers to download the images for free. I must be missing something because I can't seem to make it work. I've set the pricing for downloads to $0 but it doesn't work. In order to see the downloads I have to set the price to $.01 which defeats the purpose of my promotion.
The link is:
Can anyone explain what I am missing? Thanks!
The link is:
Can anyone explain what I am missing? Thanks!
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Thanks for the quick reply!
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I hope to put a minimum in for digital downloads.
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Its probably not perfect, but stats would give a rough estimate of at least the number of originals accessed. Not perfect, but its some tracking.
That's what I do when I am allowing a charity or other supported organization free original downloads. I set up a password-protected gallery, give them the password and URL, and then watch stats to see which they access. Better than SM having to pay a price for each $0.01 cent CC transaction and it gives me an idea what they want, so I can shoot more of their interest the next event. Can't know for sure whether it's actually downloaded, but if it's accessed at the original I count it. Not sure it that fits Paul's needs.
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Out of curiosity could you link me to an example of the "download image" button you have? Would like to see how it works. Thanks.
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I really like how you have that set up, is a good idea for family albums, etc. Could you share your code?
Crescent City Prints
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Edited to include the latest version of the code
Here's the code. It automatically detects whether originals are enabled and just adds the download button if originals are enabled and doesn't if they aren't. It is only configured to work in Smugmug view. Just paste this code into your bottom javascript.
This should result in a download button that looks like this:
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Works great for me, thanks!
Crescent City Prints
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Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Thanks John!!!!
(pstt.....Hey Smug Sorcerers...put this in the base code....this is so obviously simple!)
Sweet John! Perfect for my family galleries.
Thanks for sharing.
At least update the documentation to say this isn't possible; I spent some time making sure and double-checking that all products were set to zero EXCEPT digital downloads... then I see here that it won't work.
I agree this is a great tool for family albums and the like.
John, I've been pondering over your "search by player" button as I like its functionality. I don't know quite how I would use it, but how did you set it up? Do you just keyword the photos with player names and game, and use java to fetch the keywords?
Crescent City Prints
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<div id="keyword_ui" selection_list="*AndrewJ, AndrewT, *Antoine, *Blake, Dainen, DanielA, *DanielG, David, Edmund,*Jacob,*Jamie, *Kevin,*Matt,*Mitch,*Nick" query_base_all="u16b321" query_base_local="game1"></div>
This establishes the list of player names that go in the menu and what keywords to use to construct the keyword URL. There is javascript that processes this and constructs the menus and the keyword queries.
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So are your parents (I mean the customer ones) aware of the extraordinary amount of time you invest in your web presence? Wow.
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Maybe the alternative is to not actually process the credit card unless there is like $1 in total. That way, if someone decides they want 100 downloads at $0.01 each, Smugmug won't lose out.
Or heck ... charge a minimum ... say the total due is $0.50, make it charge $1 to cover the processing fees. A lot of other companies do that.
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+1 ... can it be done globally?
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I mean ... as a Smugmug default (part of the server code).
This way when Smugmug adds other features, we don't have to later go in and change the "Footer Javascript" code.
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The "-D" only works when I have enabled originals as downlaod option.
How could I enabled downloads up to the maximum size I have allowed in the gallery setting, e.g. S,M,L,XL etc ? These would also include the watermark and I'd like this option to have. Surely customers could use mouse right click, but having that button is just more convenient.
In looking how that works, it's a special kind of response from the server. I don't know how to trigger the save dialog via Javascript for any other URL, so I don't currently know how to make this work for any URL other than the -D URL which would preclude smaller sizes.
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I woud love a solution where I could enable downloading low res copies. A lot of my clients are High School kids who want to put something up on Facebook, but I'd still like their parents to buy prints through my site instead of then just taking the original size digifile to Costco and getting cheap prints made.
Why not you create a gallery on Facebook with the 600px wide limited editions and put the photos there. That way, if you want, you can even watermark them. The students knows how to copy their images from other facebook users. This way there is no potential of them having anything that can make a decent print. If you scale it smaller than 600px, they cannot even get a 4x6 printed online.
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