Does anyone use a tablet for photo editting?

years and years on computers and yet my mouse skills are a bit ... shakey. Doing masks and the such is a pain and a half, so I've been intrigued by the newer Wacom Bamboo tablets.
Does anyone here use a tablet or alternative methods? They are rather cheap these days, but since this is really the ONLY thing I'd use it for ($60 isn't expensive in my book), I'm glad to pay if it's worked for others too.
opinions?? :bow thank you!!
Does anyone here use a tablet or alternative methods? They are rather cheap these days, but since this is really the ONLY thing I'd use it for ($60 isn't expensive in my book), I'm glad to pay if it's worked for others too.
opinions?? :bow thank you!!
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
you guys ROCK.
There's no reason you should use the tablet just for retouching. Once you get used to it, you might do like many do and put the mouse away in a drawer, using the pen for general computer use. Wacom tablets FTW.
Or with a laptop trackpad (that's when you know you're desperate)...
I agree 100%. I use a 4x6 Wacom with my laptop too. I don't usually use it with my desktop, but I use my desktop for mostly video editing not photo editing. I love using the tablet for creative items and heavy photoshop, but I don't like using it for Lightroom/web/etc. - that is only because it takes up space and I'd rather have nothing attached to my laptop for those simple tasks.
Oh yeah, and I tried the cheap version (non-Wacom) when I didn't want/have the cash for the real thing. I returned it because it was so bad, waited until I could get the real thing.
I'd only go with Wacom for tablets and their newer Bamboo line is getting GREAT reviews, so yes it's cheap but I'll happily fly with it. If it sucks, I'll return it or sell it on ebay and upgrade.
But i love the setup.
Well, according to some books some guy with a a really weird name like Moses or someth'in came down off a mountaintop carrying these things with a bunch of rules on them......
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Amen! ! !
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heartis an artist.”
Ironically, I have a newer Wacom Graphire (?) at the ol' day job and I actually prefer my older tablet! It's been indestructible so far-- despite tagging along on several cross-country trips and all that. Still works just as well as the day it was new.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Ummm...WOW!!! :jawdrop
I love it so far. I am still getting used to it. I can't see myself getting rid of my mouse but I also can't see myself using photoshop with out my tablet!
The cool thing is that I am left handed when I write but I use the mouse with my right hand so seeing me work in PS must be a funny sight! Obviously, I am going to have to re-figure my work flow a bit.
<Insert some profound quote here to try and seem like a deep thinker>
Michael Wachel Photography
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okok last time I had a tablet was sometime in the 90s, but still! This thing is SWEET and so very very sensitive, it's actually a useful tool. I can see how it can entirely replace the mouse if you wish. The quick launch buttons at the top along with the scroll 'wheel' make it even better, as all I wanted was just something to help outline those bloody masks a bit better than my fail attempts with the mouse. With this, I feel like I'm dancing around the screen.
Tres sweet
Did you get the normal Bamboo or the Bamboo Fun (Small/Medium)?
Also, after having spent more time with it, how is it now?
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
I picked up the Bamboo Fun since I wasn't going to use it too too much.
impressions now? still much the same! it's an awesome tool and very sleek and sensitive to the pen and touch. I've not used it a lot (I'm too used to the mouse to give it up entirely) but have found it is quite natural to use, not awkward at all.
Did you get the small or medium? How's the size? Is it too small?
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
Small since I'm usually only doing smaller areas as it is and my screen is only a 21 inch. Else I'd have gotten the medium.
The clearance price was $228, then I used a 10% off coupon good for that weekend, and used a $10 off coupon for reward zone members.
But even without the coupons, $228 for the 6x11 is pretty good. Check out your local Best Buy. It said 'clearance' so that it probably while supplies last.
I haven't opened it yet.
EDIT: Just figured out that my local store has them. Perhaps a trip out tomorrow is in order before the UPS man shows up with my B&H and Adorama goodies. :-D
EDIT x2: Keep in mind that the price at Best Buy on clearance items varies by store. By driving 1.5 hours north, I'll be able to save $50 and get it for $228.99. I'm on vacation anyways, so I figured what the heck. My car gets almost 30 miles per gallon, so it's just the time.
The only complaint I have is---I am left-handed, and I moused with my right hand. I pen with my left, and so it took a long time to get used to, even though I write left-handed. For some people it doesn't matter, but if you pen with a different hand than you moused with, it will take quite a bit of getting used to. I am still much slower with the tablet than I was with the mouse, but my work is much more precise.
I have the 5X7, it's plenty large for me, but I think if you're doing extensive work, you might want the larger tablet. I only use mine about 2 hours a day.
I hope you were successful.
Thanks again for the heads up about it!