Photography bid - help please!

Hello Andy,
I have a different question,since I am just entering the field as the photographer for hire ,could someone help me or direct me to the web site how to set up the photography bid for a big medical firm to shot candit/portrait pictures of the physicians( 85) for their new web site.
I would appreciate for any adviseed.
Thank you.:D
I have a different question,since I am just entering the field as the photographer for hire ,could someone help me or direct me to the web site how to set up the photography bid for a big medical firm to shot candit/portrait pictures of the physicians( 85) for their new web site.
I would appreciate for any adviseed.
Thank you.:D
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today is the day , take the picture .:thumb .
here is how I would handle the web ready jpgs....get all post work done in PS or other software and since I use PS we'll use it as the the file with "save as"....file is now saved incase of a crash or is still open on your screen go to the Image tab and clik.....down the drop down to image size and clik......a pop up shows your image dimensions...make sure the only little box ticked is constrain change your inch dimensions to say 4 x 6 then clik OK at the top of the box.....image is resized but no pixel changes have been made they are still all do a save forthe web.....this will change the amount of pixels and if you take it to 72dpi will not allow them enuff pixels to get good looking 8x10's if they so choose to try and cheat that way...even a 5x7 will look bad to most people.....
Also on the cd lable put your copyright big and bold as well as a nice title for the client.....I also put in a word doc that states the uses I am granting the client with my images {a EULA }...... I also have a doc file named COPYRIGHT taht way any processor of photos or webmaster can see their are limitations to use and see the copyright first hand....I have had some try to say they missed my copyright notice printed on the disk label....but when inserted in the computer it is the first file folder, then the EULA then a folder with the jpgs which when opened has the copyright folder again and the EULA and then another folder with just the jpgs......that way they cannot say they did not see either of them.....and make a copy for your files also.....this is called covering your assets incase of an infringement.
Be sure to actually copyright the work done with the copyright office or all the above work is almost for nothing....................................
Thank you very much for sharing such a great information.
Just adding ,they want all photographs in color,they also want 5x7 digital copy as well as a CD of each. I have to find out what they mean "a CD for each" that would be 85 Cd's with one picture on it?
Art do you think I should give them 2 or 3 best shoots of the doctors,I am sure I will have a few pictures of the each physician .
They already told me that I will have to travel to many locations to cover entire group and maybe spend most of the day shooting pictures for some doctors at the hospital some at the clinics.
Please let me know should I make them sign the model release form ?
I would print all the 5x7 pictures using SmugMug lab but also they want the digital copy so they can use for the web site.Should I lower resolution to 1Mbpix?
I wanted just to say that this would be my 1st big photography session for money,do you think I should some how lower my fees?
Art if you could tell me what else should I be carefully with ,should I articulate some(which one) aspects of that project?Should I spell out some rules of the use of my photographs?
I am planning to go to the library and find some books to help me to set my bid for that job.
Thank you very much for your advise and your input ,I appreciate this very much.
I hope their pockets are deep as now I can see much more work than in 1st post and price will shoot up now......if they want 85 cd's that would be 1 cd for each doctor with that doctors files on them then the price need to go up at least $350-500 just for the cd's and follow the copyright and EuLA suggestion above......I did omit (forgot to mention) all photos need your signature.....a © year signature .....but the artists signature or your company name...... the actual copy right would go on the back of the paper the signature in PS and make an action so it will place the siggy in the same place on each photo....make one for vertical and one for horizontal not have the action flatten or merge that laryer as you may need to move the siggy around a bit so it shows up properly.
TRavel time is expense and gas prices have come down but not low enuff to give it way.......
Since it is multi it as 1 but no more than 2 locations per not try to kill yourself with hurring to get it done....that will just cause you to shoot bad photos and also look unprofessional.
If 1mb of photo is close for a 5x7 at 72dpi then it should be ok....however I would make one trial photo of anyone/thing downsize as I laid out above and take the 1mb file and print it at wallys world or a costco or wal greens as an 8x 10 to see if it is acceptable or not.....if it is not a good print then it is ok...if the print is good lower the final resolution when saving for the web...............
Over all I can this job being worth a min of 25K to you as now laid out....if you feel as if this is overpricing due to it beiing your 1st BIG paying job then do not take it.......go in charging what it is truly worth and come out with a satisfied client say you should have charged more.....if the client knows the value of what your doing then normally they will say we got of easy and cheap for all he did for us......they even say that if over charged but are left feeling like they got a not let them see needs to be done as if it is fun for you and your clients.....if you look like your working to hard they get suspect of your talent and have fun seeing good $$$$ signs............
The EULA is where you spell out what is allowed to be done with your photos.....I actually need to find a way to get the eula to open up when disk is inserted into any computer so it is rightthere to be read....and would be even better if it were inter active....they have to tic the yes I agree box to move on...............
if you shoot 10-15 portraits I would give at least half to 75% if they are all really good then print them all and place them into either nice "TAP" folders or presentation books...keep that PRO look going....also ask if they would like a couple of coffetable books if so there is another couple K or after all is said and done make a coffee table book for the 2 largest clinics or at least 1 for the clinic who actually hired you and givee yourself all kinds of publicity inside.....meaniing desinged by....photographed by...edited by....and so on make sure all prints also have your contact info [ phone , email and website on the back) every presentation box / folder gets 1 business card in side.....I sometimes glue on the inside front or back covers..jst make it look professional........
they may want wall hangers if you do great job and this is where you can cut costs.....give them a real bargin on wall hangers larger than 16x20 inches....most wall hangers in hospitals and clinics are a min of 20x30 inches.......also you can give them bargin prices for the coffee table books...title those as "GETTING TO KNOW OUR DOCTORS" ....put a blurb in about each doctor......
But do not cut costs on your intial work prices......that is where you are going to do all the work any way......
I'll give discounts for some prints (after a certain $ amount isreached) but not on setting fees or wedding costs......only on reprints or extra books and such....that way I do not loose any money on my time of taking and post processing the shots................
here is a book: PRICING PHOTOGRAPHY ... on amazon used for under$11 it has been hearalded as the go to book for pricing work such as this.....of course his market may be way different than yours, keep that in mind also.
I have to thank you again for all your suggestions and info. I can tell you know your profession very well.
Looks like there is a lot of preparations I have to make for the final bidding in this project.I had no idea that I should ask for so much money but also it is a lot of work.I hope some people understand how much time photographers spend after the initial shooting to make our photographs look great.
I know there will be at least 2 more photographers bidding for this job.
Art I am printing your suggestions to be able to read them later and fully understand what you are saying.
I will let you know what would come out from this project.
Thank You again.
I will be using my Canon XTI w/Speeedlite 580ex II and I have Gary Fong's LightSphere .
Do you think I should bring extra lights.Please check this link
all those shoots I did with the Canon's build in flash and some w/extra strobe light .Please let me know what do you think about those photographs. I had those pictures taken for the x-mas card,it was a free gig.
To get really good photos with a flash is need to be off camera at least above it a ways....and what ever you deicde to do PRACTICE BEFORE HAND to understand what does what and the look taht comes from it.
I did check some brackets,one was very nice but the prize was high $250 at least now.
Have a great weekend.
Hi Art,
I was wondering,can you help me or direct me where can I find the info how to set the photography portfolio.
I know I can search the internet,I did,not so much help.
I guess I should put my best work there,a few photographs and that is it or anything else.
Please advise me,thank you.
I just ordered Photo Art Portfolio Case from the net ,I found very nice place.
Thank you for all your help..