Butcher My Galleries, Please
I've been around DG for a while but have just now started to look at using galleries in SM to sell my photos (using a Pro Account). Until now I've housed everything in PBase, and other than performance (arggg) I've been happy enough keeping my more personal images there... and it even generates a sale every now and them. Unfortunately, they have no real ecommerce option, so I've set up some test galleries in SmugMug.
Your mission should you decide to accept it, check out the my galleries (or just one) and to be brutally honest in your assessment if these collections are "marketable" or not. Don't worry about the interface, I'll change if I decide to purchase a pro account (along with a dedicated domain name).
The galleries are located HERE.
Feel free to contact me with what you think by private message, leave comments on the SM page, use the thumbs up/down (not sure how these tally though), or just trow a rock or flowers at me... any form of feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Your mission should you decide to accept it, check out the my galleries (or just one) and to be brutally honest in your assessment if these collections are "marketable" or not. Don't worry about the interface, I'll change if I decide to purchase a pro account (along with a dedicated domain name).
The galleries are located HERE.
Feel free to contact me with what you think by private message, leave comments on the SM page, use the thumbs up/down (not sure how these tally though), or just trow a rock or flowers at me... any form of feedback would be greatly appreciated.
d00d, very!
cheers, tom
Great stuff, didnt get through the entire gallery, but you have some beautiful images.
Avoid entanglement of dog with wheel spokes. - Old Honda Manual
If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies,
jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears. -- Glenn Clark
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Happy holidays to all.