580EX II and ST-E2 questions ARRRGG!
What's up all, I have used natural light for all my photos until now. I bought my 40D a few months ago it's my first digital. I did a ton of research and I bought the 580EX II with the ST-E2 transmitter when I bought the camera and now I am really wanting to us it. The flash works great on the camera but when I take it off and put the transmitter on I can't get it to flash. How do I sync the transmitter to the flash? Can't find my instructions!! ARRRRGGGHHHH Any help would be much appreciated for this Newbie Flasher!!! Ciao
You're Only Limited by your Imagination :scratch
If you have already set it as slave and it still isn't working, I think it would help others to help you if you could tell us what settings you have on your equipment.
Good luck!!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Here is a pdf file for the ST-E2. Be sure to save a copy.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Put your ST-E2 on Channel 1, and put your 580EX on the same Channel. The A,B, C are the light groups. The ST-E2 can control two different light groups: A and B. (the 508EX can control 3 groups A,B,C). Just make sure your flash(es) are on the same channel as the ST-E2. Then put the 580 in slave mode as mentioned above, and fire away. You can tell the 580 is in slave mode as the front red focus light blinks (this also tells you when the flash is 'ready' btw)
On the 580EXII, you have to:
1-Turn on the flash
2-Depress and hold the zoom button until you see "off" flashing on tha flash unit's LCD
3-Turn the control dial to the right until it reads "slave" (not "master")
4- Once set to "slave", a quick press of the "zoom" button will choose between "zoom", channel" and "group". Be sure the channel and group setting matches whats set on your STE2.
When your done, just hold the zoom button until you see "slave" flashing, and turn the wheel counter clockwise to "off".
Be sure the red window on the front of the flash is facing the ste2's red window when shooting.
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Nah....you don't get off that easy.....let's see a photo?:D
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
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