Adobe PS CS2 RAW File Question

Just upgraded to a Canon 40D and shot a few photos today in RAW. I have Adobe Photoshop CS2 and it won't open the RAW files. It was not a problem with the RAW files produced by my 20D.
I get a message that says "Could not complete your request because this is not the right kind of document."
Can anyone please tell me what's up with that? :scratch
I get a message that says "Could not complete your request because this is not the right kind of document."
Can anyone please tell me what's up with that? :scratch
Your raw converter is too old, I'm afraid.
Adobe gives you a couple of options: the DNG converter, or upgrade CS itself.
I believe that the problem is that the version of Adobe Camera Raw you have in CS2 cannot read the 40D files.
I had to download an update for the 40D for CS3 and don't remember if there is even one available for CS2. Check the Adobe site and you should be able to find out.
I know that there was a lot written about this in one of the dGrin threads right after the 40D came out, so the right search should give you your answers. There is a workaround involving dng I think, but I don't recall the details. Can't remember the forum either. (Big help I am.
Frustrating, but it is my understanding that Canon's RAW algorithms for its RAW formats (or whatever you call it) are proprietary and there was a change from the 20D to the 40D. This means Adobe had to do some work to adapt its software.
Anyhow, the gurus know a lot more about this than I do and I'm sure they will weigh in.
Congrats on your new camera!!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
There's basically a change in the raw format for every new camera. This isn't exactly helped by the fact that Adobe makes the ACR plug-in available to the newest versions of Lightroom and CS-series of software only. Users of old software are left with either having to go through the DNG converter or upgrade the whole thing.
Canon's 40D is supported from ACR version 4.2, available for CS3 and LR 1 (and PS elements 6 and 7).
:bash Arrrgghhhhh!!!! That's what I was afraid of.
It doesn't seem that long ago that I purchased CS2.
Well, looking at the brighter side, DNG-files are a tad smaller and make the xmp-sidecars internal.
you can set your photoshop to automatically look for udpdates. there is an update for the newest raw converter for the 40d. I have one and have no problem with it.
The question is, whether there's an update for Photoshop CS2. I've encountered the same problem when I bought my Nikon D300 and Adobe's response was that there is no update and that there will be no update. Which I found seriously upsetting, since with all the money I had just spent on the camera, there was no way I could afford to upgrade PS as well.
I also felt that it wasn't that long ago that I purchased CS2, but in the digital age it is, I am afraid
is but a dream within a dream
- Edgar Allan Poe
Try the DNG conversion first, it really isn't the end of the world - your raw files are still raw. I have Lightroom convert all raw files to DNG (from 20D and 300D) and for CHDK raw format from my Ixus I use a freeware converter and import to LR from there.
As a bonus you get smaller files, internal conversion parameters (no more xmp sidecars or ACR cache) and an open format file. As workarounds go, it's a rather good one.
There was no update available for CS2. :cry The only resolution I was able to find was what Pyry mentioned and that would have been to download a RAW to DNG converter. For me upgrading just seemed the simpler way to go so that's what I did last night. I wish I had known about this compatibility issue before I bought the camera but I didn't even THINK to search here or even google for that kind of information.
Aside from that, CS4 has some really nifty features!
Needless to say when the upgrade was finished, I had a GOOD time last night.
Thanks, Virginia!