My emails from inside SmugMug are not going out?

Sending emails from Smugmug (I use it a lot) is not working. Only about 10% are going out even after 24 hrs. Even had one that did not get sent at all.
Is this related to the recent outage maybe?
Is this related to the recent outage maybe?
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I'm having the same problem. The last two e-mails I sent from Smugmug were never received. Both were sent to different address's from different albums. These same address have received e-mail from me, through Smugmug, several times in the past.
I came here looking for help.
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Some comcast but I have one email that no one recieved - regardles of email host. It's been 5 days and the control pannel shows 0 (zero) views.
I have Comcast as my user account address with SmugMug . . . could it be that?
A test yesturday shows it's still an issue . . . Go Andy ..... GO, good luck.
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