Slideshow captions problem
I've searched but haven't seen this specific issue addressed.
In Slideshow, Captions "pop up" correctly below the photos in Owner View, but no captions appear at all in Visitor View.
Unless I'm doing something wrong, this would seem to be a [very disappointing] bug. :cry
Can anyone confirm that they are also having this problem?
FYI I'm not referring to the caption truncation problems, and when I search D Grin for "slideshow caption owner visitor" I get nothing...
Thanks, John
In Slideshow, Captions "pop up" correctly below the photos in Owner View, but no captions appear at all in Visitor View.
Unless I'm doing something wrong, this would seem to be a [very disappointing] bug. :cry
Can anyone confirm that they are also having this problem?
FYI I'm not referring to the caption truncation problems, and when I search D Grin for "slideshow caption owner visitor" I get nothing...
Thanks, John
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Here's the link:
I'm just getting started, so there's all of 2 photos in the gallery...
IE7 on Vista.
I checked my own link, and, after I logged out, the captions come up fine in slideshow. So I guess other viewers will be able to see the captions after all.
I think there's still a bug, in that no captions appear when in Visitor View while being logged in, but that is not an important bug (and maybe I'm still doing something wrong?)